THURSDAY, 2nd September, 1869: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com-...
Category: Committee
(Continued from page 215.) THERE remains to be considered the distribution of lights on a coast and the positions in which they should be placed.
It will be readily conceived that, important as it is to produce a brilliant...
Category: Articles
Les Coe, the head launcher, shovels an evenly sloping pathway between the sea and the short slipway by the turntable.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE portrait on the cover is of Coxswain William Reuben Parr, of Blackpool, who was appointed coxswain in April, 1935. He is the third Parr in suc- cession to serve as coxswain. A Pan- has been in command of the Black- pool life-boat for...
Category: Articles
AND KINGSDOWNE.—Two large vessels went on the Goodwin Sands on the 18th De- cember. They were the barque Albert, of Bremen, 750 tons, bound thence to the East Indies, and the barque India, of Shields, 700 tons, bound to that port from Quebec...
ONE lesson which has emerged from the large deficit incurred last year is that the R.N.L.I. not only needs more money; it needs money from new sources. The work of the voluntary branches will always be the mainstay of the Institution's...
Category: Articles
50 years ago From the pages of THE LIFEBOAT, December 1940 issue Four Months of War The first four months of war, from 3rd September to the 31st December, have been the most crowded and hazardous in the whole history of the life-boat service...
Category: Articles
SPEAKING AT the annual general meeting of the RNLI last April, Major-General Ralph Farrant, Chairman of the Committee of Management, made it quite clear that, whatever economies might be necessary in these days of inflation, the first...
Category: Articles
At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at Willis's Booms, King Street, St. James's, on Saturday, 26th day of March, 1887, The Right Honourable Lord GEORGE HAMILTON, M.P., First Lord of the...
Category: Annual Reports
Tom Lawrence and the RNLI both struck gold in a charity treasure hunt organised by Gillingham Marina at the London boat show this year. Tom guessed the right spot for the hidden hoard and received a handmade pewter statuette and a bottle of... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs