Thursday, 12th November, 1936.
Sir GODFREY BAKING, BT., in the chair.
Resolved that the hearty and respectful thanks of the committee of management be accorded to H.R.H. the Duke of York, K.G., for...
Category: Committee
IN November 1908 and in February this year an account was given in the Life-boat Journal of the steps taken to select a new Life-boat, and also some Notes of the way she is built. It may now be of interest to the coxswains and crews who man...
Category: Articles
Crashed helicopter FALMOUTH COASTGUARD informed the deputy launching authority of St Mary's lifeboat station. Isles of Scilly, at 1250 on Saturday July 16. 1983, that the British Airways helicopter G-BEON was overdue at St Mary's...
WE'VE songs in praise of men of fame, Of men who've fought and bled, Whose names still live in history, Though they themselves are dead: But I'll not sing of heroes gone— My burthen now shall be Our gallant British Life-boat men,...
Category: Poetry
SIR,—As so many of the gallant men who are ever ready to man the Life-boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION belong to the hardy fish- ing population of our coasts, I have...
Category: Correspondence
THE accompanying graphic accounts of the wreck of the Indian Chief, and of the noble rescue of a portion of her crew by the Bradford self-righting Life-boat, sta- tioned at Ramsgate, appeared in the Daily Telegraph on the 11th and 18th Jan.,...
Category: Articles
IT is now proposed to say a few words on the stowage and care of the gear, and though the remarks are addressed in the first place to the Coxswains, it is hoped that they will not be altogether without interest to the general...
Category: Articles
Relief Waveney LIFEBOATS OF THE RELIEF FLEET are vitally important and can be busier than station lifeboats, but as they have no permanent station their naming ceremonies can take place inland. In 1966 the RNLI's first 70ft lifeboat,...
Category: Inaugurations
ALTHOUGH, in the course of its 127 years of work the Institution has saved, or helped to save, thousands of vessels from destruction, it makes no claims for salvage. Its sole purpose is the rescue of life. When, however, life- boats are able...
Category: Articles