Heroism and tragedy as ship goes ashore in 50ft breakerswith a 3,000-ton cargo vessel just yards off a rockstrewn coastline, and being driven inexorably ashore by breaking seas almost 50ft high, the crew of the Lerwick lifeboat had just one...
The Rpy l Bank f f C /-%4-loi-»rl Lifeboats oyal National Lifeboat Institution ifeboat The benefits: A chance to promote anc support Lifeboats £5 donation when your card is approved Every time you use your card, an extra...
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PRIDE OF PLACE The Parsons Engineering Co. Ltd. are proud to acknowledge the continued installation of their 'Penguin', 'Porbeagle' and 'Barracuda' marine diesel engines in ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION...
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Newhaven, Sussex. At 7.20 on the morning of the 9th of April, 1958, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Belgian fishing vessel Celtic, which was four miles south of Newhaven, had water in her engine room and needed help....
In the background a the Life-boat House and Fishermen's Arch, on the right the Life-boat with the Crew at attention.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
At 1.45 in the afternoon the motor fishing boat Laurel put out from St. Abbs to search for another local boat, the motor fishing boat Faithful, which, with a crew of three on board,...
Facilities at The Lifeboat College in Poole include a fire simulator and live engine workshop. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE decision of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to carry out exhaustive trials -with different types of Life-boats is an additional proof to those already given in various "ways that the governing body are determined not to sit...
Category: Articles
NEWHAVEN. — The Life-boat Michael Henry was launched at 4 P.M. on the 5th July, and proceeded to the assistance of two fishing luggers, the Louisa and Beauty, of Brighton, each carrying a crew of three men, which were about sixteen miles out...
The Marquis of Normanby, CBE, Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire and a member of the Committee of Management, presented Coxswain William Sheader, Scarborough, with the BEM awarded to him in the New Year Honours List at Mulgrave Castle,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs