The RNLI's annual meetings - the AGM and Presentation of Awards - were held on 16 May at the Barbican, in the City of London, for the second year running. The 'new' venue provides enough space for the Institution to set up...
Category: Meetings
THE variations in the readings of the barometer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, are shown in the annexed diagram, including 46 days, ending the 30th of November, daring which period...
Category: Articles
THE subject for the ninth Life-boat Essay Competition in Elementary Schools, held this year, was, " What are the qualities which make the Lifeboatman an example of good citizenship ? " So far as the quality of the essays was...
Category: Articles
1 Grace Darling and Her Times." By Constance Smedley. With a Foreword by Commander Stephen King-Hall. (Hurst & Blackett. 18s. net.) THE news of the great exploit of William Darling, keeper of the Long- stone Lighthouse,...
Category: Articles
To the seaman the weather experienced during the year 1889 must be considered as exceptionally favourable, for, like its predecessors 1887 and 1888, storms were of very rare occurrence in the British Islands, and as a necessary consequence,...
Category: Articles
AT 5.50 a.m. on 2yth October, 1963, Valentia radio station informed the honorary secretary of the Youghal life- boat station, Commander B. Arbuth- not, that the French trawler Fee des Ondes was ashore in Youghal Bay. The position given,...
Category: Services
MANY letters containing tributes to the work of the life-boat crews are received at the headquarters and bran- ches of the Institution. They are, in fact, too numerous to be quoted regularly, but four letters of very different types received...
Category: Correspondence
Five saved as coaster capsizes in Force 9 gale Coxswain John Catchpole of the Lowestoft lifeboat has been awarded a Bronze medal for bravery following the rescue of five crew men from a coaster in Force 9 winds.
The lifeboat service relies heavily on its network of branches, guilds and volunteer fundraisers to bring in the money, so it is important that the best tools for the job are readily available to those who need them.
Category: Articles
In 1946, the lifeboat station on Valentia Island reopened after more than 50 years. ‘I was just 3 years old,’ remembers Dick. ‘Sitting high on my daddy’s shoulders, the vision of the lifeboat and the knowledge that its volunteer crew were...
Category: Articles