The Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, life-boat Duchess of Kent which capsized on 21st January, 1970, with the loss of five lives.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Thursday, 20th November, 1930.
SIR GODFREY BARING, BT., in the Chair.
Passed Votes of Thanks to H.M. the KING and QUEEN, H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., and H.R.H. the PRINCESS LOUISE, DUCHESS OF...
Category: Committee
Mr. Neil Speed, the skipper of the motor fishing vessel Moira, has been accorded the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum for the rescue of 10 people from the motor yacht Quesada on the night of 22nd/23rd May,...
Category: Services
1. Acquire the habit of sitting down in a boat, and never stand up to perform any work which may be done sitting.
2. Never climb the mast of a boat even in smooth water, to reeve halliards or for any other purpose, but...
Category: Articles
The most amazing life-boat story of them all? The cottagers just down the road from where the Louisa was nudging her slow way, inch by inch along Mrs Washford's wall, had come out into the road to see what was going on. A hundred yards...
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Tenby, September 29, 1986: Summer was officially over, yet on this day Tenby was bustling with visitors, and overcast skies cleared miraculously by afternoon allowing the sun to shine warmly on a town celebrating a very special event. It was... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
North Eastern Division Cut off by tide INFORMATION THAT A MAN had been reported cut off by the tide below the cliffs in the vicinity of the Coastguard lookout was passed to the honorary secretary of Whitby lifeboat station at 1630 on Sunday,...
Category: Services
EARLY on the morning of the 27th of November, 1954, the 20,125-ton Liberian tanker World Concord, which was in ballast and bound from Liverpool to Syria, broke in two during storms of exceptional violence in the Irish Sea.
Category: Services
A night rescue operation had its sequel at Portsmouth when the Commanding Officer of a Royal Naval frigate handed over a cheque for £100 to the Royal National Life-boat Institution. The Frigate, H.M.S. Naiad, was on her way to...
Category: Articles
WHEN one travels from Norwich, roughly north west, one soon begins to sense that the sea is not far away. The trees on exposed ground have a stunted look caused by the prevailing wind: their limbs are bent in a certain...
Category: Articles