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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The S.S. Helsingor

Date: August 1893

Volume: 15

Issue: 169

HARWICH.—Kockets were fired by the Cork and Sank light-vessels on the morning of the 17th January while snow was falling and the wind was blowing in squalls from the S. accompanied by a moderate sea. The Life-boat Springwell was launched at...

The Life-Boat Service In 1935. The Busiest Year for Nineteen Years

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

The Busiest Year for Nineteen Years.

THE year 1935 was for the life-boat service the busiest for nineteen years.

There were 378 launches of life-boats to vessels in distress. To find a larger number one...

Category: Articles

A Potted Drama of the Sea

Date: February 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 289

FOR some time past the Morning Post has published in its " Personal" adver- tisement ' column what it calls " Peter Piper's Potted Plots," three prizes of one pound each being given, each day for the best potted...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Nebarn

Date: August 1906

Volume: 19

Issue: 221

GORLESTON, SUFFOLK ; CAISTEB, WIXTERTON-, PALLING, AND CBOMEE, NORFOLK.—In the early hours of 29th January, the s.s. Newbarn of Newcastle, which is a big steamer of more than 3,000 tons, ran aground on the southern end of the Hasboro'...

The S.S. Ben Rein

Date: February 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 321

On the 25th October the s.s. Ben Rein, of Ramsey, sheltering in Caldey Roads while on passage from Penarth to Milford, began to drag her anchors and signalled for help. A strong S.W. breeze was blow- ing, with a heavy sea, and the weather...

The S.S. Invella

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.

—Early in the evening of the 25th February Lloyd's agent telephoned that a wireless message had been received from s.s. Invella, of Glasgow, reporting that one of her crew was...

The Boulmer Life-Boat and Some of Her Launchers

Date: November 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 285

The Boulmer Life-Boat and Some of Her Launchers. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Portrait on the Cover

Date: December 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 398

The portrait on the cover is of Coxswain Henry Walker, of Holy Island, Northum- berland, who hasjust retired from theserv- ice. He was appointed coxswain at the be- ginning of 1945 and previously served for some eighteen months as bowman....

Category: Articles

Jenny, of Whitby

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

On the night of the 30th November the same life-boat put off, during stormy weather, and brought safely ashore the crew of 6 men from the brig Jenny, of Whitby, which had struck on the rocks between Souter Point and Whitburn Steel, and soon...

The S.S. Burrington Combe

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943


At 6 A.M. a telephone message was received from the coastguard at Bangor asking for the life-boat to go to a vessel in distress off Portpatrick on the coast of...