DURING the last few years the Committee of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION have had many opportunities for observing the great need that existed for the adoption of a uniform system of management of the mortar and rocket apparatus, and...
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During a severe S.E. gale on the 27th December the Torpedo-boat Destroyer Success ran ashore on the rocky coast at Kingsbarns, about six miles from St. Andrews. The vessel was steaming south, and in the darkness, without any shore lights to...
IN 1948 the life-boats of the Institution were called out 603 times to vessels in distress.
Ten years ago the number was 485.
That was then a record year for time of peace. In each of the three years since...
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Debbie Stewart, now in the Aberystwyth ILB crew, originally trained at Atlantic College where there are six girls on the crew. Jeanne O'Gorman is an instructor at the Outward Bound School at Aberdovey where the village and school each...
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Oil the 125th Anniversary of the most legendary clipper ship of all time...
The National Maritime Historical Society Sponsors THE CUTTY SARK ANNIVERSARY MARITIME HOURGLASS She earned Listing fame .is the greyhound of the...
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24HR FREE Order Hotline 0800 107 3072 Quote Reference: PI93513 PRIORITY ORDER FORM c5£££ oSSw The Westie Collection To: The Bradford Exchange. Ltd, PO Box 6SJ, SU ke-on-Tnrnl S 4RA D 1 would like lo order "Ready for...
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Reader Holiday Offers Ex UK Ocean Cruising onboard MV Van Gogh • No Flying! Thousands of happy cruisers have already fallen in love with the impressive MV Van Gogh, with its excellent range of facilities and very special atmosphere - not...
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AUGUST 12TH. - ST. IVES, AND PADSTOW, CORNWALL. At 10.40 in the morning the St. Ives coastguard reported that a tug, with a steamer in tow, north of St. Ives Head, was making little headway. A fresh westerly gale was blowing, with very heavy...
By Commander STOPFORD C. DOUGLAS, R.N., Inspector for the Irish District.
THE passage of this boat from Cowes to Kingstown gave her a. test to which Life-boats are not often subjected.
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THOSE of our readers who have visited the watering-places and the Life-boat Stations of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION on the south and south-east coasts of England cannot but have noticed with interest the vast quantity of shingle which...
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