Overall sire iit'lumr 2!'/.- inthra widex 18 inchn high ( HA -15,5) • 1,-pmduclnn hcfc nuv be intern" t» itai of the aoiul plires Priority Reservation Form l.imii: one serin pff collector To: Th Bradford Exchange, Lid,...
Category: Advertisement
THE winter of 1859-60 will command a mournful distinction in meteorological annals. Other winters may be found, perhaps, of equal severity and duration ; nor would it be difficult, we dare say, to produce examples of springs as backward as...
Category: Articles
A CONSIDERABLE number of the Life-boats of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION are manned by "boatmen," a term comprising men who employ several different means of obtaining their living in boats, but chiefly applied to...
Category: Articles
On the afternoon of the 16th February, the coxswain and the shore signalman, who were at the pier head, saw two barges in difficulties midway between Sea Reach buoy No. 3 and Jenkin buoy. One barge was driving hard astern. A whole W.S.W....
WHITELINK BAY, ABERDEENSHIRE.— After a fine morning on the 5th January, a sudden and terrific squall was experienced, accompanied by a heavy shower of snow and sleet. Soon afterwards the coxswain of the Life-boat Three Brothers observed a...
Magazine to be sold on behalf of the Institution.
Dorothy Una Katclifie, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., has very kindly decided to devote the gross profits of the current number of the literary and artistic magazine, The Microcosm, to...
Category: Articles
At 1.10 P.M. on the 6th May the Coastguard reported that four of the Palling fishing-boats, which had been overtaken by a strong S.E. breeze, rough sea and heavy surf, were running towards Cromer, and trying to find a safe landing-place, the...
THE Secretary of the' Institution pro- poses, if possible, to compile its history for publication in 1924, and he will be most grateful to all Honorary' Secre- taries, especially of Station Branches, for every assistance which they...
Category: Articles
CALM is the ocean ; fair is the sky; Vessels are passing silently by; Sunbeams are gilding the waves with their glory; Peaceful the scene! 'Tis an oft-spoken story.
Foaming and breaking close to our feet, On the dark...
Category: Poetry
Eastney, Hampshire. At 4.15 p.m.
on 6th November, 1965, a fisherman told the honorary secretary that a wildfowler was waving for assistance on South Binness Island. After receiving confirmation of the report from the...