Making RNLI history work for the futureHeritage is very important to the RNLI. It's not just about having a collection of lifeboats and equipment from yesteryear, it is also about social history. Over the years the RNLI has amassed a...
Category: Articles
At 1.18 p.m. on 28th August, 1966, a yacht was reported aground on the Sunk sands near the Great Sunk beacon. There was a fresh easterly breeze with a rough sea.
It was two hours after high water. The lifeboat Edian...
Lambeth Palace. S.E.
I have been asked, and willingly consent, to write a word commending to the generosity of people of this country the great work which, year by year is carried on by the Life-Boat service under the Royal...
Category: Correspondence
As showing what can be done by systematic and personal appeals on behalf of the Life-boat Service to the captains and crews of ships, we should like to call attention to the most successful work at Tynemouth of Mr.
Category: Donations
ON the 8th of August of last year the Shoreham Harbour Life-boat went out in a strong south-westerly gale to a yacht which could be seen three miles out at sea, and pursued her for twelve miles along the coast as she drove before the gale....
Category: Services
Most of the RNLI’s UK supporters boost their donations by using Gift Aid, which allows the charity to claim back the basic rate tax that donors have already paid on donations. This brings in a very large amount indeed (about £4M...
Category: Articles
ON the afternoon of 15th September, 1935, two men and a girl went bathing in the bay at Port William, Wigtown- shire, in a very heavy surf. They kept in the broken water close inshore, but they were swept off their feet by a much larger wave...
Category: Services
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the RNLI this year was split into morning and afternoon sessions at the Royal Festival Hall, London, the first being for the governors and the second for the presentation of medals for gallantry and awards to voluntary...
Category: Meetings
Troon, Ayrshire. — At 6.30 in the evening of the 2nd of May, 1948, the pilot house telephoned that the steam pinnace of the Sea Cadets appeared to have broken down and was drifting towards the Black Rocks. The motor life-boat Sir...
THE Board of Trade have recently pub- lished, in accordance with their annual custom, a Blue Book overflowing with interesting information and tables of figures such as to delight the most enthusiastic statistician, furnishing elaborate...
Category: Articles