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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The S.S. Orkla

Date: August 1910

Volume: 21

Issue: 237

During a very thick fog on the 5th January a message was received from the Cross Light-vessel by wireless telegraphy stating a steamer was ashore on the sand. The crew of the No. 1 Life-boat Covent Garden were assembled and the boat launched...

They Have Now Been Warned

Date: Summer 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 355

Two men have been fined £2 each at Tobermory for firing a rocket "for fun" over the Island of Tiree, in the Inner Hebrides, on the night of the 3rd of January. The rocket was taken for a distress signal and the Barra Island...

Category: Services

The S.S. Falcon (1)

Date: February 1888

Volume: 13

Issue: 147

PALLING and WINTERTON.—Guns having been fired by the North Hasborough Lightship on the 26th November, during a strong W.S.W. wind and a heavy sea, the Palling No. 2 Life-boat British Work- •inan and the Winterton No. 2 Life-boat Husband put...

The Faroese Fishing Smack Else

Date: June 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 396

Wick, Caithness-shire. At 7.30 on the morning of the 9th of January, 1961, a message was received that a vessel was on fire off Duncansby Head. There was a light north-easterly breeze with a slight sea, and it was almost low water. At eight...

The S.S. Mabel

Date: August 1880

Volume: 11

Issue: 117

BROADSTAIRS.—On the 14th March, in reply to signal guns from the East Goodwin Lightship, at 3.30 A.M., the Samuel Morrison Collins Life-boat proceeded to the Goodwin Sands, and found the ss. Mabel, of Hartlepool, ashore on the eastern part...

The S.S. Eika II

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

At 10.20A.M. on the 10th September ! a violent explosion was heard on board I a steamer in the vicinity of the Cross j Sand, and as it was thought that the ! vessel had been mined the No. 1 Life- ! boat Marie Lane was dispatched to her j...

Front Cover

Date: Summer 1999

Volume: 57

Issue: 549

Margate's Mersey class, Leonard Kent, stands by as tugs fight the fire aboard container vessel, Ever Decent, which collided with cruise liner, Norwegian Dream, off the Kent coast on 24 August. See Stop Press on services page 13 for... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Pour on the Pennies!

Date: Spring 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 536

A standard RNLI collection box proved to be a little on the small side for the Elizabeth Barn in Tunbridge Wells. Donations from patrons built up so quickly that a giant Martell bottle had to be used in the end - collecting a total of... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Books for the Young

Date: June 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 408

Two selections of stories for the young which have recently been published contain accounts of the exploits of the great Cromer coxswain, Henry Blogg.

All in the Day's Work (Hamish Hamil- ton 6/6) opens with an extract...

Category: Articles

In the July Issue of 'The Life-Boat' It Was Reported That Mr. Bernard Hayman, Editor of Yachting World, Had His New Car Registered Yla.

Date: October 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 433

In the July issue of 'The Life-boat' it was reported that Mr. Bernard Hayman, Editor of Yachting World, had his new car registered YLA. To date Mr. Hayman seems to be the only admitted holder of such a registration among... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs