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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Jehoiah Wick

Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

In response to signals of distress, the Life-boat Charles and Eliza Laura was launched at 3 P.M.

on the 2nd December, and rescued the crew of four hands of the fishing-boat JehoiaJi Wick, of Hoylake, which was in distress...

National Safety Week

Date: February 1931

Volume: 28

Issue: 305

THE National Safety Week Council, on which the Institution is represented, is arranging to hold its second Safety Week from llth May to 16th May next.

The object of the Week is to arouse the public to the need of additional...

Category: Articles


Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT FRASERBURGH SEPTEMBER 2 4TH. - FRASERBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. Just after two in the morning the coastguard told the life-boat station that a vessel was ashore on the Cairnbulg Briggs, a reef of rocks about two miles away...

Two Army Assault Craft

Date: December 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 418

Portrush, Isle of Man - At 7.25 p.m.

on 9th July, 1966, it was reported that two army assault craft with two people on each craft were drifting off Magilligan point. There was a moderate westerly wind with a corresponding...

In Addition to the Fast Hatch Experimental Boat, the R.N.L.I. Is Experimenting With Another Rescue Craft

Date: June 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 420

In addition to the fast Hatch experimental boat, the R. N.L.I, is experimenting with another rescue craft - a craft designed by Mr. J. A. McLachlan, M.R.I.N.A., who served on the staff of the Institution as chief draughtsman from 1948 to... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Joanna Antoinette, of Holland

Date: February 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 99

On the 19th November the Life-boat John Stuart was launched at 6 A.M., and proceeded to the schooner Johanna Antoinette, of Gravenhage, Hol- land, -which vessel had become a wreck on Cardigan Bar during the night. A " terrific gale...

North Devon Humane Society

Date: June 1852

Volume: 01

Issue: 04

BIDEFORD or Barnstaple Bay lies on the north coast of Devonshire, just within Luudy Island at the entrance of the Bristol Channel.

From the high projecting cliffs of Hartland Point, which rise 330 feet above the sea, a...

Category: Articles

A Greek Steamer

Date: April 1940

Volume: 31

Issue: 341

Dover, Kent.—4th November, 1939.

A Greek steamer was reported to be in distress through enemy action and the life-boat put out with a naval officer on board. She was recalled, however, when she had entered the danger...

Royal Humane Society Awards

Date: Spring 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 365

MR. J. K. BENNETTS, the honorary secretary of the Sennen Cove life-boat station, and seven other men, have been awarded certificates of commen- dation of the Royal Humane Society.

They helped to rescue five men of the crew...

Category: Awards

William, of Tonsberg

Date: July 1856

Volume: 02

Issue: 21

On the 27th of December, the Norwegian bark, William, of Tonsberg, ran ashore in thick and squally weather, near Camber, about three miles on the north side of Eye Harbour. The life-boat at No. 31 Tower, on the .opposite side of the harbour,...