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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The H.M.S Nith

Date: November 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 254

A sad accident involving the loss of five lives occurred on the evening of 1st May to a Coastguard boat belonging to Shingle Street. The boat earlier in the day had been to Aldeburgh, and when returning to Shingle Street capsized near the...

The Industry and The Mizpah

Date: February 1915

Volume: 22

Issue: 255

On the 14th September the Life-boat Dunleary was launched at 2.23 P.M. during a very strong S.S.W. gale to the assistance of two trawlers which were in difficulties in Dublin Bay. One vessel was named the Industry and the other the...

The Chief Inspector of Life-Boats

Date: December 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 336

COMMANDER E. D. DRURY, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., the chief inspector of life-boats, will retire, under the age limit, on 31st December, 1938, and will be succeeded as chief inspector b)' Lieut.-Commander P. E. Vaux, D.S.C., R.N., the...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Le Blanc

Date: August 1898

Volume: 17

Issue: 189

HOYLAKE, CHESHIRE.—At 6.50 P.M. on the 21st February the Life-boat Coard William Sguarey was launched in a nasty sea, with a moderate N.N.E. breeze, and stood by the s.s. Le Blanc, which had stranded near the Bell Buoy. At high water the...

The Tongue Lightvessel

Date: March 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 387

Margate, Kent. At 4.9 on the afternoon of the 21st of November, 1958, a request was received from the Chief Superinten- dent, Trinity House, for the life-boat to land a sick lamplighter from the Tongue lightvessel. The life-boat North...

Augusta, of Bristol

Date: July 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 77

On the night of the 24th October, 1868, during a whole | gale from the W.N.W., the steamer Augusta, of Bristol, went on the Doom Bar i Sand. When her signals of distress were i seen from the shore, the " City of Bristol" j...

The "Lloyd's" Motor Life-Boat. Inaugural Ceremony at Cowes

Date: September 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 311

THERE has been a Life-boat Station at Stornoway, Island of Lewis, in the Northern Hebrides since 1887. Last year, owing to the increasing number of wrecks in the Southern Hebrides, it was decided to establish a Station at Barra Island, and...

Category: Inaugurations

The S.S. Eumaeus (1)

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939


At 5.5 P.M. messages were received at Dun Laoghaire that a large vessel was aground on the Kish Bank, and that two tugs were being sent from Dublin to her...

The Brave People of Moelfre

Date: Winter 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 559

The brave people of Moelfre risked their lives as they pulled survivors from the surf.

Picture Tim Thompson.

Category: Drawings

New Ways of Raising Money

Date: June 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 388

A jumble sale with unusual features was organised by Lady Templetown for the Kirkcudbright branch. The older clothes given for the sale were sold in the usual manner, but a number of Lady Templetown's young friends acted as models to...

Category: Donations