IT is a commonly-received opinion, that if a line can only be thrown over a stranded vessel, the salvation of those on board her is almost secured. It seems to be presumed that those at either end of this slender com- munication, after...
Category: Articles
THE Board of Trade is to be congratulated on the success of its efforts to lay before the public the " Abstracts of the Shipping Casualties which have occurred on or near the Coasts of the United Kingdom " up to the latest possible...
Category: Articles
THERE are many matters, both in con- I nexion with the work of the Stations and of the Financial Branches, which I should '• be glad to discuss with Life-boat workers, and which they, no doubt, would like to ' discuss among ...
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The Life-boat appears again after an absence of just seven years. Its last number was dated April, 1940. In that month Germany invaded Denmark and Norway. At the end of the next month the British Expeditionary Fotce was brought off from the...
Category: Articles
ON the morning of 17th January the 2,500-ton steamer Plawsworth, of New- castle-on-Tyne, which was at anchor off Workington, Cumberland, dragged her anchors in a south-west gale, and went ashore. A very heavy sea was...
Category: Services
IN the year 1852 this Institution adopted a new description of life-boat: many of the boats which it at that time possessed were worn out, and the result of the-competition for a prize offered in the previous year by His Grace the Duke of...
Category: Articles
FOUR minutes after midnight on I3th December, 1963, the coxswain of the Caister life-boat, J. R. Plummer, learnt from the Gorleston coastguard that a vessel appeared to be in trouble two miles from the North Denes look- out. Coxswain Plummer...
Category: Services
IN a former article in this journal (February, 1895) it was pointed out what an important part in the organi- zation of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was occupied by the fisher- men living on the coasts of Great Britain and...
Category: Articles
IT is very pleasant to be able to record that this Competition is growing both in popularity and in the extent to which schools in every part of Great Britain are taking part in it. Unfortunately, owing to the political situation, the...
Category: Articles
I REGRET that for many of the earlier years the Southwold Records are but scanty, and it is with some difficulty that I have been able to extract the facts now detailed from such books and documents as have come down to me.
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