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Developing and supplying specialist equipment for over 4000 crew members is a very expensive exercise. The...
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Developing and supplying specialist equipment for over 4000 crew members is a very expensive exercise. The protective lifejacket pictured above for example costs £180, This is where you and a pair of scissors can help.
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The Rose Acoustic Wave music system.
A sound difference.
Touch a single button on this acclaimed, all-in-one music system - a...
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STAITHES, YORKSHIRE.—The NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has recently formed a Life-boat establishment at Staithes, near Whitby, where it was con- sidered that a Life-boat would be most useful, especially in helping the fishing boats, which...
Category: Articles
IN the last issue of the Life-boat Journal we had the satisfaction to announce to our readers that H.E.H. the DUKE or YORK had graciously accepted the post of President of the Institution's " Life-boat Saturday " Fund, and we...
Category: Articles
Lloyd's List and Shipping Gazette has just published as a pamphlet the logs kept by the Master and Chief Officer of the Trevessa, during the voyages of the two boats of that vessel after she sank in the Indian Ocean, on 4th June last.<...
Category: Articles
ON the 23rd May last, H.R.H. the DUKE OF EDINBURGH presided at the Anniversary Meeting of this Society, at the Mansion House. His Royal Highness was sup- ported on the occasion by the LORD MAYOR, the DUKE or MARLBOROUGH (Pre- sident of the...
Category: Meetings
SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT BROUGHTY FERRY DEC. 5TH. - BROUGHTY FERRY, AND ARBROATH, ANGUS. - During the evening the Bell Rock Lighthouse, off the coast of Angus, reported by radio telephony that a small steamer had run on to the Bell Rock. At...
SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT BROUGHTY FERRY DEC. 5TH. - BROUGHTY FERRY, AND ARBROATH, ANGUS. - During the evening the Bell Rock Lighthouse, off the coast of Angus, reported by radio telephony that a small steamer had run on to the Bell Rock. At...
In looking over the list of wrecks, no one can fail to be struck at the prominent position occupied by the officers and men of the Coast-Guard Service on all such occasions.
The records of the National Shipwreck Insti-...
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