On 24th. October, 1945, the St. Ives life-boat went to the help of the ketch "Minnie Flossie", of Bideford, and found her right in the surf with a man and woman clinging to her. The coxswain could see that there was not a moment to...
Category: Articles
T/ie following is an abbreviated version of a graphic account of a fine service to a British vessel which appears in De Reddingboot, the journal of the North and South Holland Life-saving Society, for last June. The three Life-boats engaged...
Category: Services
The serious business of the lottery draw over, the chairman and acting director join Ed Stewart and the children in the fun of 'Crackerjack!'. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Safely out of the dangerous waters of Whitby Rock - partly visible in the background - the Waveney class White Rose at Yorkshire heads for the harbour entrance with the survivor aboard (Photo Les Heath). - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The Duke of Northumberland, K.G., who died on 23rd August at the early age of fifty, was for twelve years associated with the work of the Institu- tion. On the death in 1918 of his father, the seventh Duke, who was the Institution's...
Category: Obituaries
Denmark: (below, left) A 15.2m self-righting lifeboat stationed on the west coast of Jutland.
Finland: (below, right) The 20.5m steel Harmaja built to work in ice is one of the Finnish Lifeboat Society's largest rescue... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
On the morning of the 16th March a four-masted schooner, the Reform, of Stavanger, bound from Bankok for Greenock with teak wood, was sighted off Burr Point flying signals denoting that she was sinking. The crew of the Lifeboat were summoned...
Backbone of the FishingTrade.
This was one that didn't get away. One of a thousand million.
A thousand million of the reasons why every day and night men put out to sea in all weathers to earn their...
Category: Advertisement
St. Helier, Jersey. At 3.50 on the morning of the 20th of July, 1958, the honorary secretary received a message that a man fishing at Plemont had heard shouts and seen white flares, and that a small boat appeared to be in difficulty close to...