BROWSING through earlier issues of THE LIFE-BOAT is always a fascinating occupation.
Recently we have been sent to the files in search of information on the old tubular life-boats, in which several members of the public...
Category: Articles
KNOWLEDGE OF SHIPS AND THE SEA, of design and engineering brought to bear, with imagination, on the problems posed in the reconciling of requirements with limitations; calculations; drawings —of profile, section and plan—building up on flat...
Category: Articles
IN the early part of March next, it is intended to hold a Public Dinner, in the City, in aid of the funds of the above Institution, and for the purpose of bringing the Society and its objects prominently before the country. His Grace the...
Category: Articles
1.—Moved by the CHAIRMAN :— 1.—That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:—(vide next page for this...
Category: Meetings
By GEORGE F. SHEE, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.
I AM publishing here a list of the ships to the assistance of which the Life-boats have...
Category: Articles
THE ninety-fourth Annual General Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION was held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Friday, 26th April, 1918, at 3 P.M. The Right Hon.
H. H. Asquith, KG., M.P., presided, and...
Category: Meetings
EVEN those who know the Life-boat Service will find very much to interest them in How Men are Rescued from the Sea by Patrick Howarth (Routiedge and Kegan Paul, 10s. 6d.), as it des- cribes, briefly and swiftly, all the services which guide,...
Category: Articles
THE disaster at Seaham Harbour, in which 5 members of the life-boat crew and 4 people who had been taken off a fishing boat by the life-boat all lost their lives, shocked and distressed the nation.
The life-boat capsized at...
Category: Articles
• Sir William Hillary, founder of the RNLI, was a man of considerable vision who always pursued his ideas relentlessly, though some of his schemes were not realised until after his death. He_ proposed the formation of an international...
Category: Articles
LAST February was one of the stormiest Februaries on record. During the month there were over fifty launches on service, and nearly forty lives were saved. The two services, however, which most deserve to be recorded are two, both by Motor...
Category: Services