AT the end of the first Annual Report of the Institution, published on 10th March, 1825, is a list of thirty-two services for which it had given rewards during its first year. The first of these services took place on 10th July, 1824, and...
Category: Medals
History in the re-making: in January 1899 Lynmouth lifeboat was hauled up Countisbury Hill, ten miles over Exmoor and down the notorious Porlock Hill through a severe gale so that she could launch from the comparative shelter of Porlock Weir... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
At a recent meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society, a paper was read by Mr. 0. HARDING, P. E. Met. Soc., on "The Gale of October 15-16th, 1886, over the British Islands," in which he remarked that the storm was of very...
Category: Articles
Eastbourne, Sussex.—At 7.50 on the evening of the 22nd of July, 1951,, the coastguard telephoned that a boat was burning flares one mile off the Re- doubt. At 8.30 the life-boat Beryl Tollemache was launched accompanied by the local joint...
In the Life-boat Journal for November 1890, will be found a full description of j the first steam Life - boat, Duke of Northumberland, which boat has been' continuously "in commission," so to speak, since that year, first at...
Category: Articles
IT is again our painful duty to record the death of another old and tried friend, and Member of the Committee of Management, of the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, in the person of the late GEORGE...
Category: Obituaries
New York Harbor Festival, July 5: the RNLI team of lifeboatmen from the north east, seen here with an Australian team after the first heat, went on to win the trophy. The course was over one mile in 28ft wooden pulling boats.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Last year an IRB was commissioned at Selsey, Sussex, where there has been a conventional life-boat station since 1861. The IRB crew consists of three fishermen—two who fish for lobsters and one who fishes for white fish. Here they are shown... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
TOW FOR BOAT BECALMED Weymouth, Dorset. At 1.40 early on the morning of the 5th August, 1962, the police informed the honorary secretary that a sailing boat with a boy and girl on board was overdue, and at two o'clock the life-boat Frank...
Longhope Coxswain Kevin Kirkpatrick and Thurso Second Coxswain Duncan Munro received the Thanks of the Institution Inscribed on Vellum for two separate services on the same stormy day (mentioned in the winter 2004/05 issue of the Lifeboat)....