A MOST important adjunct to a coast life- boat is a carriage. It is not sufficient that the boat herself be of a superior description, capable of contending safely and successfully with that element in which her work has to be performed,...
Category: Articles
Time of Launching.
Jan. 1. 6.10p.m.
6. 10. 0p.m.
„ 7. 4.45 a.m.
„ 8. 12 noon.
„ 9. 1.55 a.m.
„ 9. 5. 0 a.m.<...
Category: Services
DURING the summer the Inaugural Ceremonies of new Motor Life-boats have been held at the Lizard, Appledore, Peterhead, Brixham, Eastbourne and Bembridge. Of these, the Lizard boat went to her station in 1920, the Peter- head and Eastbourne...
Category: Inaugurations
THE problem of finding the ideal method of providing a life-boat with mechanical power has occupied the minds of de- signers and engineers for more than a century. For many years experiments were made with steam. At the Great Exhibition of...
Category: Articles
Partners at the Show More than 10,000 people queued at the RNLI stand at the Southampton Boat Show in September 2004. They were able to see the technology used to save lives at sea on a Severn class lifeboat.
Two of the...
Category: Articles
Lives saved Adelaide, brigantine, of Fowey — stood by and assisted to save vessel.
Adele, barque, of Brevig— stood by vessel.
Andalusia, s.s., of London — stood by vessel.
Category: Services
THE South Holland Life-boat Society was so pleased with the result of its inquiries as to the success of the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION'S Steam Life-boats that it recently instructed Messrs. J. I. Thornycroft and Co., of Chiswick,...
Category: Articles
THE LIFEBOAT Mersey Class lifeboat ON 1183 Lil Cunningham Built: 1W2 Cost: C650.000 Funding: A generous gift Irom Miit Salty Cunningham of Derby in memory of her sister D class lifeboat D-485 Stafford with Rugtlty Built: 1995 Cost. ni.OOO...
Category: Services
THE following Eegulations are intended for the guidance of the Local Committee to be formed at each place at which a life-boat is stationed by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and to whose care and control the life-boat, her crew, and...
Category: Articles
Sheringham and Wells, Norfolk.—At 6.20 on the evening of the 8th of December, 1954, a hotel porter told the Sheringham life-boat station that he had seen red rockets off Weybourne.
Four minutes later the Cromer coast- guard...