WE are glad to be in a position to present to our readers our customary annual review of the casualties in shipping, the loss of life incurred, and the lives saved by the Institution in the year ending June 30th, 1913, in connexion with the...
Category: Articles
IN treating of Mr. Beeching's Life-boat (in the last article on this subject) which ; was sent to Ramsgate, and which proved ; so successful, omission was made of the ' fact that in 1853 she underwent con-J siderable alterations, in...
Category: Articles
BURRAFIRTH, LERWICK, SHETLANDS. At 1.52 P.M. on the 20th October, 1939, the coastguard asked the Lighthouse Shore Station at Burrafirth to send its boat to pick up the crew of the S.S. Sea Venture, of London, which had been sunk by enemy...
Category: Services
THE Italian Government has awarded medals to the Cromer life-boat crew for their gallantry in rescuing thirty men from the steamer Monte Nevoso, of Genoa, in October, 1932. The steamer had stranded on the Haisborough Sands and had broken her...
Category: Medals
MARITIME safety in the United States took a giant step forward on the 28th of January, 1915, when two historic agencies, the Revenue Cutter Service and the Lifesaving Service, were merged into a single organization known as the United States...
Category: Articles
THE question has often been asked—why are not life-boats propelled by steam power? It is a very natural question when we consider the difficulty of rowing any boat against a strong wind, and the much greater difficulty of doing so when, in...
Category: Articles
Long search rewarded FOLLOWING A REPORT that some people had been cut off by the tide in the Beacon Cove area, Newquay's 17ft 6in C class inflatable lifeboat had launched on the afternoon of Sunday August 3, 1986. It was a fine day with...
IT does not sound possible, but it i The following is a list of the cost of the is a fact that by making a large gift! different types of Life-boat and of these to the Institution during his life other parts of the equipment of the wealthy...
Category: Advertisement
THE RIGHT HON. LORD LOVAINE, M.P., P.O., in the Chair.
!.•—Moved by the Chairman, and carried unanimously,— 1.—That the following noblemen and gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:—(vide last...
Category: Meetings
A VERY interesting ceremony took place at Fraserburgh on the 4th August, when the new Motor Life-boat, the Lady Rothes, presented to the Institution by Mr. T. Dyer Edwardes, was named and launched in the presence of some thousands of...
Category: Inaugurations