THE MASTER of the tug Superman asked Wells Coastguard for lifeboat assistance at 0450 on October 21, 1973; she was towing an ex-Admiralty MFV, Pilgrim, which, with two people on board, was in danger of breaking up; their position was...
Lowestoft, Suffolk. — 7th November, 1937. The Finnish steamer Ascania, of. Wiborg, had grounded on the North-East Newcombe Sands, but got off again.—Rewards, £20 18s. 6d..
After the official opening, honorary Beaumaris lifeboat crew member Jimmy Savile visited the RNLI stand together with Coxswain David Gal/ichan (third from left) and his crew.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Sprinting in to the 'finish line' at Dover Edward Jones cheques in with his contribution to the RNLI's funds.
Edward had met the crew of the Dover lifeboat while on holiday in the area, and was so impressed by... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Ian Ventham, RNLI Head of Fundraising and Marketing, (pictured with Judith Saint, Finance and Systems Manager) drew the winners of the Lifeboat Lottery. - View image in PDF
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The Hon. George Coiville, deputy chairman of the committee of management of the Institution, died on September igth at the age of 76. For 37 years he had been actively associated with the Lite-boat Service. He was elected a member of the...
Category: Articles
FEBRUARY 3RD. - HOLY ISLAND , NORTHUMBERLAND. The Danish steamer Alexandra, of Esbjerg, had been bombed and machine-gunned by German aircraft, but the life-boat found nothing. - Rewards, £8 14s. 6d.
In photo (A) the tug Tystie manoeuvres close to Green Lily to put a tow line aboard while the lifeboat stands by.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Top right: The Kirkcudbright boathouse is so isolated that the crew musters in town and travels down by Landrover.. - View image in PDF
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Moelfre, Anglesey.—19th July, 1938, An American steamer, the West Cohas, collided with an Irish motor vessel off Skerries, Holyhead, but they were both able to make for the Mersey without help.—Rewards, £10 4s..