THE work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION is indubitably not a, romance, but one of hard practical fact. The Institution has nought to do with " Dreamland," but its mission is, from our rugged and storm-beaten shores, to...
Category: Songs
At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at St. Martin's Town Hall, Charing Gross Road, on Saturday, the 12th day of March, 1898, His Grace the DUKE OF LEEDS in the Chair, the following Report of...
Category: Annual Reports
THE recent notices in the press, both written and pictorial, of the latest production of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION—" the first steam Lifeboat "—have been so full, that we can quite imagine some of the Society's...
Category: Articles
PLYMOUTH and YEALM RIVER.—On the night of the 28th of January the Plymouth Life-boat Clemency and the Yealm River Life-boat Bowman went out in reply to signals of distress shown by the barque Wellington, of Windsor, N.S. The wind was blowing...
Lerwick, and Aith, Shetlands.—4th October, 1939. In the morning a Royal Air Force aeroplane came down on the sea about twenty-five miles N.E.
of the N.E. corner of...
OCT. 5TH. - LERWICK, AND AITH, SHETLANDS. In the morning of the 4th October a Royal Air Force aeroplane came down on the sea about twenty-five miles N.E. of the N.E. corner of Unst Island, and a pinnace went out to her help. On the following...
Lerwick, and Aith, Shetlands.—4th October, 1939. In the morning a Royal Air Force aeroplane came down on the sea about twenty-five miles N.E.
of the N.E. corner of...
IN the 21st Number of the Life-Boat Journal we introduced this important subject to our readers in connection with a new mode of treatment proposed by the eminent physiologist, the late Dr. MARSHALL HALL.
Again, in our...
Category: Articles
IN accordance with our annual custom, we are called on to chronicle the fearful and, in the present instance, unprecedented effects, both on life and property, of the terrific storms of the preceding twelve months in the seas and on the...
Category: Articles
IN the issue of this Journal for August, 1909, the adventures of a Life-boat flotilla on the voyage from London to the distant Orkneys were described.
Almost precisely two years afterwards another such flotilla, also...
Category: Articles