Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 3.5 p.m.
on 6th November, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a fishing coble had broken down one mile south west of the North Smithie buoy. The life-boat William Henry and...
" GOD have mercy upon the poor fellows at sea!" Household words, these, in English homes, however far inland they may be, and...
Category: Articles
The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of the different types of Life-boats used in the Institution's service. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view. Fig. 2 the " plan " or deck view. Fig....
Category: Articles
The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of the different types of Life-boats used in the Institution's service. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view. Fig. 2 the " plan " or deck view. Fig....
Category: Articles
IT was the 8th of August in Porth- dinllaen. Mr. Jones and his two nephews had gone sailing in their small auxiliary yacht Waterbell; but when they did not return by half-past eight, Mrs. Jones became worried.
At 8.50 p.m....
Category: Services
THE five outstanding efforts made by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild last winter were the Second Annual Life-boat Matinee organised by the Central London Women's Committee last December, of which an account appeared in the last number of...
Category: Articles
The requisite qualities of a Life-boat man's lifE belt are Sufficient extra buoyancy, 22 Ibs., to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, or to enable him to support another person...
Category: Articles
IT was decided last year to open a new Life-boat Station at Kilronan, Aran Islands, at the entrance to Galway Bay on the west coast of Ireland. A Motor Life-boat of the Watson Cabin type is to be laid down for this Station, and until the new...
Category: Inaugurations
ABOVE AND BELOW DECKS, the first prototype of the fast slipway lifeboat (FSB) is gradually taking shape in Fairey Marine's yard at Cowes. With some of the work progress is obvious; other jobs involve perhaps weeks of 'behind the...
Category: Articles