Hero honoured Brian Bevan, Superintendent Coxswain of the Humber lifeboat, was presented with the Honorary Fellowship of the University of Humberside at its annual presentation of awards in Hull on Friday 26 July.
Brian,... - View image in PDF
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At 12.45 in the afternoon the coastguard reported that the phoenix 121, one of the concrete caissons used for building the invasion port on the coast of Normandy, to which the life-boat had...
The appeal to, the Army, which the Institution makes each year was sent out in August, 1940. The response up to the end of February 1941, is £5562.
That is fourteen times as much as in 1939. The Army is much larger,...
Category: Articles
On the 3ist, December, 1943, the Swanage life-boat rescued three lives from the French nayal launch "Chasseur 5", which had capsized in a heavy sea when escorting a submarine. The men were clinging to her keel. On July...
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As in previous years, the Institution is issuing this autumn a Life-boat Calen- dar for next year. It is also issuing, for the first time, a Life-boat Christmas card, and we hope that readers of The Lifeboat will buy this calendar for their...
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THE carriage consists of a fore and main body. The latter is formed of a keelway and of side or bilgeways attached to the keelway, and...
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IN 1882 the Committee of the Institution, being deeply impressed with the serious loss of life from drowning taking place year by year from the Fishing Vessels working to and from the coasts of the United Kingdom, decided, with the hope of...
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MELVYN HAYES and Val Meredoc, who were appearing in 'It Ain't Half Hot, Mum' at the Pier Theatre, Bournemouth, came over to RNLI headquarters at Poole on July 31 to draw the sixth national lottery (right). Supervising the draw...
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Willowbrook Adjustable Beds • Double, twin or single in a choice of 7 styles • Optional 5-point Massage Therapy System • Direct from UK manufacturer - save £££s • Up to 5 year furniture guarantee Post to: Willowbrook...
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