At sea, things don’t always go according to script – which is what led Timothy and Shane Spall to head offshore
‘If I get better, we will get a boat,’ declared Timothy Spall. It was 1996. A...
Category: Articles
WE have, in previous Numbers of this Journal, advocated the use of life-belts, both on shipboard and in boats, especially in life- boats; and we have recommended the ac- quirement of the art of swimming by every one. As we think the subject...
Category: Articles
MADRID, Jane 5.—At its annual general meeting the Spanish Life-boat Society was able this year to say that since its founda- tion in 1880 it had established 67 local branches, many of them self-supporting, 30 stations provided with...
Category: Articles
DECEMBER 31ST. - RHYL, FLINTSHIRE, AND HOYLAKE, CHESHIRE. A boat with twenty men on board had been reported adrift in the Dee Channel, but nothing was found. - Rewards : Rhyl. £20 15s. ; Hoylake, £31 3s. 6d..
Naval Architect dies Naval Architect Jack Tyrrell of Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland died suddenly on 29 July 1988 at the age of 83.
Jack Tyrrell was one of Ireland's most imaginative naval architects, and in 1964 won...
Category: Articles
As already mentioned, one of the chief features of this Journal will be to bring into prominent notice the several County Asso- ciations and Local Committees that have long existed around our coasts, and to urge on the well-wishers to the...
Category: Articles
Round Table 50th anniversary appeal At their National Conference held at Blackpool in May, Round Table delegates from all over Britain and Ireland voted to raise funds for a Waveney lifeboat. The appeal is to mark the 50th anniversary of the...
Category: Articles
FOR a service, in which he had to take his life-boat through a narrow, unchartered channel, infested with rocks, to a trawler whose bow was hard aground, Coxswain John Nicolson of Aith, Shetlands, has been awarded the R.N.L.I.'s silver...
Category: Services
Despite being nearly 188 years old, the lifeboat service never stands still
How do you decide where to locate a lifeboat station and what kind of craft should be housed there? That’s the job of...
Category: Articles
Following receipt of a cheque made out to theR.N.L.I.
for £100 from Southern Television Ltd., Commander P. Thornycroft, of T.T. Boat Designs Ltd., Bernbridge, I.o.W., wrote: 'I feel this needs some small...
Category: Donations