£83 from a Population of 558.A LIFE-BOAT worker who lives in the village of Shuttleworth, near Ramsbottom, in Lancashire, held a Life-boat Bazaar on 8th May. Her party consisted of herself, her two daughters and five working girls. The...
Category: Donations
The Institution's Income at a Glance.
How each £100 of the Institution's Income was obtained in 1932.
£ s. d.
38 6 0 —••••— — -—H ——«* Subscriptions,...
Category: Accounts
Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.—Very early on the morning of the 30th January, 1938, the watchman at Curracloe reported rockets between the Lucifer and Blackwater Light-vessels. A storm was blowing from the N.W. by W., and a heavy sea was...
How each £100 of the Institution's Income was obtained in 1933.
£ s. d.
36 1 6 H MHU HMI HB HBB Sulisci'lpt ions, Donations and Lifeboat Days.
38 1 6 ———••— ——...
Category: Accounts
Appledore, Devon.—At 1.5 on the afternoon of the 6th of December, 1954, the coxswain reported that the barges Julia Pile and Nellie Ann, of Barnstaple, which each had a crew of two, had got into difficulties off Crow Point while collecting...
Scarborough, Yorkshire.—During the morning of the 3Gth of December, 1955, information was received from the crews of fishing boats coming in from sea that the wind was freshening and the weather worsening. There were doubts about the safety...
St. Ives, Cornwall.—-At 4.43 in the afternoon of the 26th of July, 1949, the coastguard telephoned that the local pleasure boat Reaper, with a boat- man and twelve passengers aboard, had struck a rock between Wicca Point and Zennor Point,...
Facts and figures Provisional statistics as at 15 June 1989, show that so far this year: The RNLI's lifeboats were launched 871 times (an average of more than 5 launches a day) More than 332 lives were saved (an average of 2 people...
Category: Articles
Facts and figures Provisional statistics as at 17 August 1990, show that during 1990: The RNLI' s lifeboats were launched 1,927 times (an average of more than 8 launches a day) Some 611 lives were saved (an average of nearly 3 people...
Category: Articles
Facts and figures Provisional statistics as at 15 February 1989, show that during 1988: The RNLI's lifeboats were launched 4,197 times (an average of more than 11 launches a day) More than 1,338 lives were saved (an average of 3.7 people...
Category: Articles