DUHIXG 1952 foreign life-boats went out to the help of 12 British vessels and rescued over 40 lives from them.
Belgium Belgian life-boats went to the help of two British yachts, one of which was towed into harbour and the...
Category: Articles
HENRY GEORGE BLOGG, coxswain of the Cromer life-boat, retired at the end of last September, at the age of 71, after serving for over fifty-three years as a life-boatman. His record is unequalled in the 124 years of the Life-boat Service and...
Category: Articles
Atlantic tows MFV and four crew to safety from lee shoreHelmsman Jonathan Adnams of Southwold lifeboat station has been accorded the Thanks of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution inscribed on Vellum, following a service to a fishing...
Overall sire iit'lumr 2!'/.- inthra widex 18 inchn high ( HA -15,5) • 1,-pmduclnn hcfc nuv be intern" t» itai of the aoiul plires Priority Reservation Form l.imii: one serin pff collector To: Th Bradford Exchange, Lid,...
Category: Advertisement
THE Council of the SOCIETY OF ARTS appointed a Committee in March, 1883, with the full concurrence of the Marine Department of the BOARD OP TRADE, to inquire into and consider the question of collision at sea, the scope of the in- quiry...
Category: Articles
In her presidential address at the Institution's annual general meeting on 21st March, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, called attention to the remark- able changes which have taken place during her presidency.
It was...
Category: Articles
1st July to 30th September.
Greater London.
BALHAM.—Special Life-boat Display at the Pavilion Theatre in connexion with the showing of the film " Atlantic " and collections organized by the...
Category: Branches
Early in the morning of the llth March several fishing boats went to sea, and all except two returned before low water. Th wind had freshened considerably from the east, and there was a lot of sea on Whitby Rock, which would sweep up the...
Honorary Life Governors THE following have been appointed honorary life governors of the Institution and presented with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and signed by H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent as President of the Institution : LADY...
Category: Awards
LIFE-BOAT Week at Bristol this year included a most successful and well organised Life-boat Day on Thursday, 16th June, and an assembly from 11 Branches in the Midlands District for a Conference which was held on Saturday, 18th June. In...
Category: Articles