IN the last number of The Lifeboat was published an article on the Stantons and Stephensons of Boulmer, the two families in that little fishing village from which are drawn the greater part of the Crew of the Boulmer...
Category: Articles
At about 4.45 P.M. information was received that an aeroplane had come down in the sea off Blakeney Point. The weather was fine with a strong S.W. breeze and a choppy sea. An exercise of...
Some people take their pleasure seriously Boat owners who take pleasure seriously, take a very dim view of anything that interrupts their pursuit of happiness.
This simple fact is causing more skippers to choose CAT Marine...
Category: Advertisement
JUNE 27TH. - DUNGENESS, KENT. At 12.27 P.M. a message was received from the Sandgate coastguard that a Hurricane fighter aeroplane had come down in the sea about six miles S.S.W. of Dungeness. A light westerly breeze was blowing and the sea...
SEPTEMBER 23RD. - NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. A man had been washed overboard from an Admiralty motor fishing vessel, but the life-boat could not find him. His body came ashore later. - Rewards, £10 5s..
LOWESTOPT, SUFFOLK.—Shortly before 8 P.M. on the 20th July a trawler, when trying to make Pakefield Gatway, struck on the N.E. part of the Newcome sands.
The coxswain of the Life-boat observed the accident, assembled the...
Category: Services
THE Institution will again have a Christmas card and a pocket calendar for sale. The card will be a reproducti on in colour of the picture on this page.
It is a photograph of the 41-feet Newhaven life-boat Cecil and Lillian...
Category: Advertisement
The Calendar.
THE Institution is again issuing a life- boat calendar and a Christmas card.
The calendar will have on it a reproduction in colours of a picture by Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I., of the rescue by...
Category: Advertisement
THE Institution is again issuing a life-boat Christmas card and calendar.
They will both have reproduced on them in colours a picture, specially g linted for the Institution by Mr.
ernard Gribble...
Category: Advertisement
The first life-boat day to be held in oae af the Dominions for the British beat Service was held ia Capetown on February 4th. It raised £1506. This day vas of the appeal which Miss Pattie Price has beea making throughout the Union of...
Category: Articles