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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Wreck of the Trawler Skegness. Eleven Lives Lost on the Yorkshire Coast

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

Eleven Lives Lost on the Yorkshire Coast.

ON the evening of 24th September, 1935, the steam trawler Skegness, of Hull, returning to Hull from the Faroes, with eleven men on board, went ashore under Speeton Cliffs on the...

Category: Services

The Icelandic Trawler Havardour Isfirdingur

Date: June 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 322

On the evening of the 22nd January the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station telephoned that a vessel about the size of a trawler appeared to be aground on Spurn Point, south of the military pier. Two of the life-boat crew went to investigate and...

The French Life-Boat Service

Date: August 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 181

IN June we were honoured by a visit from the COMTE DE BIZEMONT, the Chief Inspector of our sister service in France, and we need hardly say it was a great pleasure to welcome him and show him what he required to see. Among other things the...

Category: Articles

Services of Life-Boats In Connection With the National Life-Boat Institution

Date: January 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 35

CULLERCOATS, NORTHUMBERLAND. — On the 29th March, 1859, a pilot coble, with 2 men in her, being caught by a strong N. E. wind and heavy sea, was observed to be in, danger; the Cullercoats life-boat was quickly launched, and proceeded to her...

Category: Services

(Right) Seen from the Air the Piers at the Entrance to Shoreham Harbour

Date: Winter 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 543

(Right) Seen from the air the piers at the entrance to Shoreham Harbour shows the development of the port over the years. - View image in PDF

The lifeboat station is circled.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

"The Sea-Microcosm."

Date: June 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 298

Magazine to be sold on behalf of the Institution.

Dorothy Una Katclifie, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., has very kindly decided to devote the gross profits of the current number of the literary and artistic magazine, The Microcosm, to...

Category: Articles

Singing for the Life-Boats

Date: September 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 299

THE following account of how visitors from Bolton contributed to the funds of the Fleetwood Branch, appeared in the Bolton Journal and Guardian on 12th July.

" A number of Boltonians on holiday at Fleetwood last week...

Category: Donations

The Help of An Octopus

Date: September 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 319

THE honorary secretary of the Exmouth station, who raises money for the branch by selling flowers at the boathouse, has found another and unexpected source of revenue. While fishing off Budleigh Salterton in July he caught an octopus. He...

Category: Articles

The Converted Ship's Boat Shandra

Date: September 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 397

New Brighton, Cheshire. At 7.30 on the evening of the 16th June, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that a boat was in difficulties near the Q16 buoy in the Queen's Channel. A strong westerly wind was blowing with a...

The Life-Boat

Date: May 1891

Volume: 14

Issue: 160

(See Diagrams on next page.) The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of a 34 feet by 7i feet self-righting boat. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view, the shaded part showing that devoted to the...

Category: Articles