Thursday, 5th January, 1860. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.K.S., in the Chair.
Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward...
Category: Committee
Llandudno, Caernarvonshire.—At 3.25 on the afternoon of the 23rd of October, 1954, the Rhyl coastguard reported that the Rhyl fishing boat Anna Rosa, which had broken down off Llandudno, had been taken in tow by the fishing boat Ever Ready,...
ROGERSTOWN, Co. DUBLIN.—In Feb- ruary 1873, a vessel was wrecked near this place, and the crew were nearly all day in the rigging before they could be rescued, there being no Life-boat at hand; the exposure resulted in the death of one of...
Category: Articles
AT the Annual General Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL SHIPWRECK INSTITUTION, held at the Offices of the Society, John Street, Adelphi, on Tuesday, the 11th day of April, 1854,, CAPTAIN SHEPHERD, H.C.S., Deputy Master of the Trinity House, VICE...
Category: Annual Reports
IN the columns of each number of this Journal we have had the pleasure to record numerous instances of our life-boats' services to shipwrecked crews. When it is remembered under what difficult and dangerous circumstances those services...
Category: Articles
No one can calculate the full value of a life saved, but in The Lifeboat for March, 1929, we published a calculation made by an Assurance Company which showed the minimum value, that is to say, the cost of providing the dependents of a man...
Category: Articles
Ireland Division Harbour tug to the rescue AT ABOUT NOON on Saturday, January 12,1974, the Royal Ulster Constabulary were told that a small dinghy was in difficulties off Ballgalley Head. Police Sergeant D. McCutcheon drove out to the Head...
Category: Services
Lives saved.
Astrsea, schooner, of Dartmouth—• rendered assistance.
Alfred, ketch, of Padstow—rendered assistance and landed 4.
Ardlethen, P.S., of Aberdeen—ren- dered...
Category: Services
A FORMAL investigation under the Merchant Shipping Act of 1894 was held at the Sheriff Court House, Aberdeen, from 5th to 12th October, 1970, into the circumstances attending the capsizing of the Fraserburgh life-boat The Duchess of Kent...
Category: Articles
Surfers saved in lightning rescue dashAs senior helmsman Aubrey Diggle was leaving the boathouse on the morning of 23 February 2002, a surfer reported that two of his colleagues were being swept away. Looking out to sea, Aubrey instantly...