THERE has been a Life-boat at Cresswell, on the Northumbrian coast, for the last fifty years. What manner of place it is was described by the then Hon. Secre- tary in an article which appeared in! The Lifeboat in February,...
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RULE THE WAVES WITH MERC New engines, new design features, new ideas. Merc still sets the pace...
1 973 Mercury Outboards—a complete range of powerfrom 4 h.p. to 1 50 h.p.! With 22 models to choose from there's a Merc...
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How even a non-swimmer can save someone from drowning Join Shoreline now. Why Shoreline ? Last year the RNLI saved 1,704 lives. This year we expect to save even more. In order to maintain the service we need £3'Am every...
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Landmark ruling - is it a ship?The personal watercraft (PWC), often known by the trade name of jetski, is an increasingly popular mode of water transport. Partly resembling a motorbike, a PWC is ridden in a similar way and comes with the...
Category: Articles
A FRAMED letter of thanks, signed by the Chairman of the R.N.L.I., Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.s.o., has been addressed to each of the crew of the Lerwick, Shetlands, life-boat for the escort service they provided to three...
Category: Services
LAST YEAR'S capsize of the roll-on roll-off ferry Herald of Free Enterprise close to Zeebrugge Harbour entrance, brought sharply into focus the need for emergency services on land and at sea to be alert and ready to cope with the myriad...
Category: Articles
On the role:
L: ‘I’m immensely proud of Gary’s role with the RNLI and am behind him 110%. I believe the commitment has to be from the families as well or it’s not possible to do it.’ G: ‘I’ve now been on the crew for 17...
Category: Articles
FOLLOWING the two balls which were organised by the Belfast Ladies' Lifeboat Guild in the winter and spring, a Fete, lasting a fortnight, was held in June in the Bellevue Gardens, Belfast, which had been kindly lent to the Institution by...
Category: Articles
How many " monster wrecks" has it been our painful duty to chronicle during the past few years! How sad is the reflection that their number appears rather to be on the increase than on the decline! During the present year alone...
Category: Articles
FOR some time past it has been felt by the Institution that its Branch at Grimsby did not receive from the trawler owners the support which it bad reason to expect in view of the fact that Grimsby is the chief centre of the British Fishing...
Category: Articles