On 10th February, at 2.45 in the afternoon, when a whole gale from the S.E.
was blowing with a heavy sea, it was reported at Stromness that the S. S Cormorant, of Kirkwall, was in distress in Eynhallow Sound. The Motor...
NIGHT SIGNALS (wwfead of Ae a&ooe). Lights in Triangle or Square.
X i Pour lanterns and two yards, each not less than four feet long, will be sufficient—as only one signal will be used at night.
Category: Articles
On the 17th of January, 1951, the Mallaig life-boat rescued the crew of 62 of the motor vessel Tapti of London.
The Institution awarded its thanks inscribed on vellum to Coxswain Ian B. Watt, and to him and each member of...
Ramsgate, Kent.—At 1.55 on the after-noon of the 7th of June, 1954, the coastguard rang up to say that two Pedalo pleasure floats, each with two people in them, were drifting south- wards. At 2.7 the life-boat E.M.E.D., on temporary duty at...
On the 17th of September, 1952, the Stornoway life-boat was launched on a service which lasted twenty-two hours, and in the course of which she rescued the crew of a motor boat who were marooned on some rocks sixty-five miles from Stornoway....
WE had hoped to publish in this number of The Lifeboat an account of a very fine service by three Dutch Lifeboats last February to the English steamer Shonga, for which the King has presented the British Government's Silver Medal...
Category: Services
During a strong E.N.E. gale on the 12th May the fishing boat Catherine, of Arbroath, whilst returning to Harbour was in considerable danger owing to the heavy sea running, and there was some proba- bility of her being dashed on to the rocks....
— The Motor Life-boat Stanhope Smart, which had gone to the Station in June, was called out, in a moderate southerly gale with a rough sea, and rain, at 11.40 A.M.
on the 3rd November, as the fishing boats Felicity and...
DURING the present summer the Honorary Secretary of the Exmouth and Budleigh Salterton Branch, Captain Shrubb, has made a substantial sum for the funds of the Branch by the sale of flowers. Each day he and his family have sent flowers from...
Category: Donations
Chosen for reliability QUEEN'S AWARD TO INDUSTRY 1966 1967 The 70 ft boats for the RNLI are each fitted with two 7-inch alternators and control equipment screened and suppressed to comply with BS 1597/1963.
LUCAS and...
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