The Life-boat transporting-carriage is a very important auxiliary to the beat. Every Life-boat, except a few of the larger size, is provided with a carriage, on which she is kept in the boat-house ready for immediate transportation to the...
Category: Articles
Thurso, Caithness-shire, and Stornoway, Island of Lewis.—16th October. The Latvian steamer Curonia, of Riga, was in distress near Cape Wrath, with her engine broken down. She was able to carry out temporary repairs and made for Scapa Flow....
Reaching for his mobile phone, a kayaker went overboard. Cold and tired, he couldn’t get back onboard – or call for help
Lifeboat Helm Patsy O’Mahony was relaxing at home on a Sunday afternoon in February when his phone...
Category: Articles
N the 22nd number of this Journal we described these life-belts, with which all the life-boat crews in connexion with the NA- TIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION are provided, and which they are required to wear on every occasion of their going...
Category: Articles
IN our further observations on the Merchant Shipping Act, we come to the consideration of those parts of it which have more immediately to do with the Preservation of Life from, or AFTER Shipwreck, or other casualty at sea. An object which,...
Category: Articles
By the death on 25th July last of the Rev. J. B. White, President of the Appledore Branch, the Institution has lost one of its oldest and most devoted friends. In 1897 Mr. White became a member of the Committee of the Branch, so that he has...
Category: Obituaries
A new pilot scheme created by the RNLI aims to keep sea anglers safe while they enjoy their sport.
Last year 11 sea anglers tragically lost their lives while fishing in the UK, and the RNLI responded to over 1,200...
Category: Articles
Top photo: The RNLI also bestows awards to other recue organisations or members of the public for acts of bravery Claran Doyla of the Carda Underwater unit was awarded the RNLt's Bronze Medal for a harrowing rescue of three people from a... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Right: The dedication service of The Lord Southborough (Civil Service No 1) at Margate. She was the the 18th lifeboat purchased by the fund but retained the title Civil Service No 1. - View image in PDF
Photo Grahams Fan Archives. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Thirty odd years ago it was my duty and my privilege to act as escort to Sir Godfrey Baring, K.B.E., then Chairman of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, on his frequent visits to the North West District and, at a later period, to...
Category: Articles