THE expression " Pouring oil on troubled waters" "has been from some remote period metaphorically used to signify the allayment of anger and strife by kind and gentle words. Like all other metaphors, this one was no doubt...
Category: Articles
S A R C S R O calthspan QUALITY VITAMINS AT OUR BEST EVER PRICES! Ginkgo Biloba - 60mg Extract Each tablet contain* 6Gmg of standardised Ginkgo extract equivalent to JOOOmg of whole Ginkgo leaves. This provides U.4mg of Flavone Glycosides...
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L O W E S T P R I C E S E V E R ! ealthsoan QUALITY VITAMINS WITH FREE P&P Glnkgo Blloba - 60mg Extract J Each tablet contain 60mg of standardised Ginkgo extract equivalent to KOOmg of whole Ginkgo leaves. This provides u.4mg of Flavone...
Category: Advertisement
CRUMBS. ASHES. EVEN GLASS...WITH EASE! No ordinary sweeper can compete with the super-light Hoky. The world's undisputed No. I floor cleaner...
Category: Advertisement
THE firm of J, Samuel White & Co., Ltd., of Cowes, has been building ships in the Isle of Wight for more than two and a half centuries. During the greater part of that time the firm has been closely associated with the Life- boat...
Category: Articles
THE eighty-ninth Annual General Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION was held in the Whitehall Rooms on Wednesday, April 16th, 1913, at 3 P.M. The Right Hon.
the Lord Mersey, P.O., presided, and amongst...
Category: Meetings
We’ve all had to sort through junk mail – a lot of it goes straight in the recycling and some is put aside for that lazy afternoon when we might want to order pizza, a taxi or a window cleaner. Charities send unsolicited mail too but, for...
Category: Articles
The findings of the Formal Investigation ordered by the Department of Trade into the loss on December 19, 1981, of the coaster Union Star with her eight people and of Penlee lifeboat Solomon Browne with her crew of eight lifeboatmen. THE...
Category: Articles
THE Duke of Northumberland's Life- boat Essay Competition for elementary schools was held this year for the thirteenth time. The number of schools which took part was 2,207, as compared with 2,249 in 1932. But though there was a decline...
Category: Articles
Worthwhile find Whilst turning out a drawer today I came upon some pictures showing the Worthing lifeboat and crews, we wondered if readers would be interested in seeing this cutting (left).
For some time we lived in the...
Category: Correspondence