THE Institution will again have a Christmas card and a pocket calendar for sale. The card will be a reproduction in colour of the picture on this page.
The original painting by Mr. Rowland Fisher, R.O.I., S.M.A., was...
Category: Advertisement
MAY 1ST. - DUNGENESS, KENT. An aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but only oil and wreckage could be found. - Rewards, £21 6s..
NOVEMBER 19TH. - NEWBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. An aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but nothing could be found. - Rewards, £10 8s.
SEPTEMBER 21ST. - WALMER, KENT. An aeroplane had crashed in the sea, but only wreckage was found. - Rewards, £11 1s. 6d.
BooKS A lifeboating selection to inspire, thrill and ponder Asboville by Danny Rhodes Asboville may not sound like it has any relevance to the RnLi, however a lifeboat crew member plays a key part in this surprising...
Category: Articles
IN my last communication I endeavoured to discuss the question of Schools for Sailors in its general bearings: I now proceed to give a special application of it with regard to a district with which I am familiar—I mean the sea-coast of Wales...
Category: Articles
ELIZABETH HOTEL 37 Eccleslon Square, Victoria, London SW1V1PB. Tel: 071-828 6812 Ideal, central, quiet location overlooking magnificent gardens on fringe of Belgravia. Comfortable Single/ Double/Twin/Family Rooms.
Category: Advertisement
NOV. 25TH. - SHOREHAM HARBOUR, SUSSEX. An aeroplane had come down in the sea eleven miles south by east of Shoreham.
The life-boat arrived to find several seaplanes also searching, but nothing was found. - Rewards, £6...
A British aircraft had crashed into the sea, but no survivors were found and an attempt to tow the aeroplane into shallow water failed. - Rewards, £17 5s..
An aeroplane had crashed into the sea, but nothing could be found. - Rewards, £7 0s. 3d.
(See Watchet, “ page 98.) Services by Shore-boats,”.