How each £100 of the Institution's Expenditure was laid out in 1934.
£ s. d.
58 6 0 •••• ••••••••• •••••H B Construction, Repairs, Upkeep and Inspection of Life-boats...
Category: Accounts
To the Rev. K. H. MACDERMOTT, upon his ( retirement after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Selsey Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.
To the Rev. R. J. HODGES, upon his retirement after...
Category: Awards
A Central Appeals Committee of voluntary workers for the R.N.L.I. has been formed under the chairmanship of Mr. Norman Crumbie. Its terms of reference are: (i) To advise, through the Secretary of the R.N.L.I., on any matters affecting fund...
Category: Committee
New! for shoreline members sailing loans at reduced rates Now, as a Shoreline member, you're in a privileged position when it comes to financing your sailing.
Shoreline Sailing Loans are now available at special...
Category: Advertisement
New! for shoreline members sailing loans at reduced rates Now, as a Shoreline member, you're in a privileged position when it comes to financing your sailing.
Shoreline Saijing Loans are now available at special...
Category: Advertisement
Facts and Figures In 1986 the RNLI's lifeboats have so far launched 1,550 times, saving 686 lives.
In 1985 lifeboats launched 3,882 times (an average of over 10 times each day) and saved 1,744 lives (an average of over...
Category: Articles
Limited Edition Prints Passing Longstone The Liverpool class lifeboat Grace Darling stationed at Seahouses passing Longstone lighthouse in the 1960s.
Passing Beachy Head The Beach class Watson Beryl Tollemache of Eastbourne...
Category: Advertisement
During a very dense fog on the afternoon of the 7th January sound signals were heard not far from the shore, and although the weather was fine, there being only a slight ground swell, it was considered advisable to launch the Life-boat. The...
AT the Caxton Hall, on Monday, 13th December, the Mayor of West- minster (Mi. S. P. B. Bueknill) presided at the presentation of the prizes won in the Competition in the London area (consisting of the schools under the London County Council)...
Category: Articles
As several fishing cobles had been over- taken by a strong S.S.W. gale with a rough, sea on 3rd November, the No. 1 Pulling and Sailing Life-boat Forester put out at 9.30 A.M., went in the direction of the fishing grounds, about four miles...