L-R: Mark Bland. Mark Harding and Greg Morgan Photo: Jason Roberts, Liverpool Daily Post and Echo. - View image in PDF
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THE Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund have now completed their first year of work and are issuing their first Annual Report. We have read it with much interest and are satisfied that its contents will afford eminent...
Category: Articles
" FISHERMEN are regarded as a reserve for the Navy." So runs a circular of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries which, soon after the passing of the Military Service Act, was sent out to all seaports and fishing centres on our...
Category: Articles
GRACE DARLING. An early Life-boat heroine.
In 1838, she and her father rescued nine people stranded on a rock, survivors from the wrecked ship For far- shire, of Dundee. They won Silver Medals.
(From the...
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St. Helier, Jersey. At 9.30 on the evening of the 16th September, 1961, the harbour office informed the honor- ary secretary that the motor vessel Heron had struck the Paternoster Reef and was sinking fast. A moderate south-south-westerly...
Let this uplifting melody inspire you Inscribed inside the lid is a message that lasts a lifetime for a daughter mother sister friend gratiddaugh ter grandmother 7 Sculptural porcelain butterfly with shimmering gold accents graces the lid...
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THE memory of the late distinguished Viceroy of India will, like many of his great predecessors, be long honoured and held in affectionate remembrance. Lord Lawrence took considerable interest in the welfare of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT...
Category: Obituaries
AT Lowestoft on Saturday the 21st July, 1962, a large number of holiday- makers watched a drama take its course as a trimaran was brought safely into harbour after spending some hours in distress in full view of the...
Category: Articles
The Royal National Life-boat Institution agreed to a request made at the International Life-boat Conference that it should as a distributing centre for information which may be of general interest to all Life-boat Societies. The Institution...
Category: Articles
THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 155 Motor Life-boats 1 Harbour Pulling Life-boat LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Life-boat Service in 1824 to December 31st, 1953 78,497 Notes of the Quarter THE terrible disaster at Arbroath, following...
Category: Articles