The tubular life-boat was likewise the means of rendering good service to another shipwrecked crew on the 19th October.
During the previous night a very severe gale had swept over Liverpool and its neigh- bourhood, and...
UNTIL RECENT TIMES the approaches to the Port of Liverpool were quite hazardous. The difficulties stemmed from the fact that seaward of the northern extremity of the Wirral peninsula the estuary suddenly opens out to become very shallow for...
Category: Articles
NEWHAVEN. — The Life-boat Michael Henry was launched at 4 P.M. on the 5th July, and proceeded to the assistance of two fishing luggers, the Louisa and Beauty, of Brighton, each carrying a crew of three men, which were about sixteen miles out...
Two of the fishing cobles belonging to Flam- borough were overtaken by a moderate S.E, gale and very heavy sea when out fishing on the 22nd December. As considerable anxiety was felt for the safety of the men in the boats, the No. 2...
The Life-boat George and Jane Walker was launched at 9.30 A.M. on 13th December to the assistance of eight of the large fishing cobles which had been overtaken by a S.E. gale when at sea.
The service occupied three hours,...
AT the first annual meeting of the new Hornsey Branch, a special programme of sea chanties was given by members of the Crouch End Toe H. The singers were dressed as a Life-boat Crew in jerseys and caps, and all the chanties were sung with...
Category: Meetings
THE Institution is again issuing a life-boat Christmas card and calendar.
They will both have reproduced on them in colours a picture, specially g linted for the Institution by Mr.
ernard Gribble...
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TAKEN BY LIFE-BOAT At 10.30 a.m. on 29th December, 1963, the local doctor requested the use of the life-boat to attend patients on Inishmaan and Inishere Islands. As the weather was bad and as no other boat was available the honorary...
Whitby, Yorkshire.—After a sudden heavy squall about eight o'clock in the morning on the 17th of December, 1949, the coastguard and coxswain observed that a number of small fishing cobles were in danger of being swamped by the seas....
Safety and Survival at Sea by E. C. B. LEE OBE, C.ENG, FRINA and KENNETH LEE MBBS, LRCP, MRCS, DIH An anthology of first person accounts of man's ability—or inability—to survive at sea by the victims of all types of sea...
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