LIFE-BOATS have other things to do besides the saving of life from shipwreck.
Among the islands off Scotland and Ireland their help is often asked, when rough weather makes impossible the use of ordinary boats. The most...
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The COOPERATIVE BANK Customer led, ethically guided One number any amount APR The same loan rate no matter how much you borrow.
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Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.—At 11.50 on the morning of the 20th of January, 1955, the Commissioners of Irish Lights reported that the father of the fog signalman on the Black- water lightvessel had died in Wexford and asked if the...
When lifeguards found a seriously injured man in the water, it would take three RNLI teams to bring him to safety over an island’s rocky ledges
Hoylake volunteer Marcus Swaine was already...
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THE portrait on the cover is of Coxswain George Lamey, of Clovelly. He has been an officer of the life-boat for eighteen years, and coxswain for the past twelve years. In 1944 he was awarded the Institution's thanks on vellum for...
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IN 1846 the Institution was asked to provide a life-boat for Kilmore, County Wexford, and it stationed a boat there on the 28th of July, 1847. She was put under the care of the coastguard.
There is no record of any services...
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WHITBY.—At about 8.30 A.M. on the 20th September, during a strong wind from the E.N.E. and a heavy sea, the Danish schooner William was • observed to be making for the harbour, when she became embayed, and was obliged anchor in a very...
At 10A.M.
on the llth February a telegram was received stating that a vessel in Red Bay, co. Antrim, was flying signals of distress. The motor Life-boat William and Laura was at once despatched to her assistance,...
On the evening of 12th November, 1961, the East Goodwin lightvessel broke adrift. The Walmer, Dover and Ramsgate life-boats were all called out.
A full account of their services appears on page 200..
THE " season " of the Life-boat Saturday Collections throughout the country opened this year under very favourable auspices, and the Committees, greatly encouraged by the excellent certificate recently given to the movement by the...
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