RESCUE MAP RNLI lifeboat stations and lifeguard areas around the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland as of August 2005.
See page 42 for news of the first Tamar class lifeboat to come on station.
Category: Charts
The Walter and Elizabeth Groombridge award is made each year for the most meritorious service in an Atlantic B class lifeboat. The RNLI Trustee Committee met on 23 July and agreed that the 2007 award should be made to Flamborough Helmsman...
Category: Articles
Walmer's Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable James Burgess makes a net recovery after the demonstration which followed her naming ceremony.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE Viscount Wakefield of Hythe, G.C.V.O., C.B.E., LL.D., who is vice- president of the Hythe, Kent, branch, has presented to the Institution the whole cost, amounting to £9,669 2s. 9d., of the new motor life-boat which was stationed at...
Category: Donations
Certificates of Service and Pensions.
The COXSWAIN'S CERTIFICATE OP SERVICE, and a PENSION, have been awarded to: JAMES ROBSON, 31J years coxswain of the North Sunderland life-boat.
Category: Awards
The wishing well at Cawdor Castle, the fourteenth century home of the Thanes of Cawdor, also gives an opportunity to castle visitors to become RNLI well wishers. The picture shows a recent lifting of the grill and (I to r) Lord Cawdor, Derek... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
On the 17th January, the schooner Bellona, of Eed Bay, was driven ashore in a heavy gale off the bar of Dtmdrum, and almost immediately be- came a total wreck. Owing to the thickness of the weather and darkness of the morning, she was not...
Selling gifts and souvenirs is an excellent way of raising both funds and the profile of the lifeboat service. RNLI (Sales) provides a range of products for the wide variety of shops and events run by volunteers. In 2001 its turnover was...
Category: Articles
Mr. E. W. Sheppard, of Nottingham, pictured with his 52-foot Barnett life-boat model which is 4-foot 6-inches long and took him 18 months to complete. On exhibition it has earned money for the R.N.L.I. and created great interest.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Word came on 7 April that a dog was in trouble off Dynamite quay, St Ives – and that a man was about to try to rescue it. The tide was rushing out of the estuary, making any such attempt by a swimmer extremely dangerous. When the D class...
Category: Articles