(Below) . . . 1974: Coxswain Derek Scott, BEM, of The Mumbles, guest speaker, made a truly memorable speech. On his left, Cdr Ralph Swann, CBE RNVR, at that time chairman of the Institution . . .. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Direct Loans FIXED RATES FROM AS LOW AS 9.9%APR ESSSBS BSffl Loans available from £1,000 - £15,000 Instant Decision Service - 7 days a week Funds transferred direct to your own Bank account £10,000 £7,550 £5.050...
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LINER GROUNDED Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 7.10 a.m. on 23td May, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the passenger liner Venus of Bergen had gone aground off the Herd Sand Groyne, but no help had been requested. The life...
One thousand pairs of odd sized shoes raised about £2,000 for the Wolverhampton branch. A local shoe dealer very kindly donated 2,000 new, but odd sized shoes. The branch made up 1,000 pairs of shoes within a size of each other. Prices... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Dinghy adrift in strong breeze THE HONORARY SECRETARY Of ThurSO lifeboat station saw a dinghy in difficulties in Thurso Bay with a small motor boat trying to tow her towards Scrabster but making little headway. Both boats were drifting east...
TRADITIONALLY, when building a boat in wood, the first operation is the laying down of the keel from which is built up a framework of stem, transom, bulkheads and other transverse and longitudinal members. When building a small boat in steel...
Category: Articles
Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford.—At 4.50 on the afternoon of the 3rd of October, 1956, the office of the Irish Lights in Dublin telephoned that there was an injured man on the Coningbeg light- vessel and asked if the life-boat would bring him...
THE FOURTEENTH International Lifeboat Conference was formally opened by HRH Prince Bertil of Sweden on June 5 in Gothenburg. More than 50 papers on subjects of mutual interest were presented to delegates from 24 lifeboat societies from all...
Category: Articles
On the 13th February the Holyhead life-boat performed a valuable service by proceeding to the Portuguese brigantine Boa Nova, and the English schooner Britannia, during a strong gale from W.N.W., and putting pilots on board them, by which...
theLifeboat asks Ian Ventham, former head of fundraising and marketing, to reflect on his time at the fundraising helm and we speak to his successor, David Brann, on his vision for the future.Ian What notable changes in fundraising have you...
Category: Articles