CULLERCOATS, NORTHUMBERLAND. — A strong sea having risen with a dense fog on the 10th of May, the Life-boat Cooperator No. 1 was launched at about 8.30 A.M. to the assistance of three fishingboats whose return was rendered...
Southbourne branch held a car boot sale last December in the car park of the Anglo- European College of Chiropractic. For each 'pitch' £2.50 was charged and, despite bad weather, not only was £150 raised for the lifeboats,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
When Dr Donald Coggan, Archbishop of Canterbury, and his wife paid an informal visit to Whitstable ILB station on July 27, they went out in the Atlantic 21 and His Grace took the wheel.
Since the founding of the Institution... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
A working, scale model of a typical north west Durham coal mine has been made by Mr J. C. Robinson ofMedomsley. The model, which is in Mr Robinson's garden, took 15 years to build and every unit works. With the help of seven assistants,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The Institution has just received two legacies of £200 each, one for its general funds the other for its Selsey station, left it in gratitude by a Birmingham woman. In August 1908 she was on board the steamer "Queen" of...
Category: Articles
DUNDEE.—On the 5th October, it having been reported that a barque was ashore on the Abertay Sands, the Buddon- ness Life-boat Eleanora, and the English Mechanic Life-boat stationed at Broughty Ferry, proceeded to the sands and found the...
Category: Services
THE want having been often felt of some general system of signals for intercommu- nication, on occasions of shipwreck, between life-boat stations when within signal distance of each other, the Committee have caused the following simple plan...
Category: Articles
NEW BRIGHTON.—On the 4th January, 1881, at 3.45 A.M., in reply to signals of distress, the Life-boat Willie and Arthur proceeded to the Asque Spit and found the s.s. Brazilian, of Barrow, ashore there.
After the boat's...
Category: Services
Berwick - on - Tweed, Northumberland; and Dunbar, East Lothian.—At 7.35 in the morning on the 31st of January, 1950, the Berwick coastguard telephoned the Berwick life-boat authorities that a railway signalman had reported a vessel...
ALL who were connected with the Lifeboat Service twenty years ago will have heard with regret of the death, on the 4th -of April, of Captain Howard Fiennes Julius Rowley, C.B.E., R.N.
He was in his eightieth year, and it...
Category: Obituaries