Dover, Kent.—On the 4th of January, 1955, the Superintendent of Trinity House at Harwich asked if the life- boat would land an injured fog-signal driver from the South Goodwin light- vessel, as the weather was too bad for a shore-boat to put...
Lowestoft, Suffolk.—On the morning of the 3rd January, 1939, the sailing boat Roustabout, of Lowestoft, left harbour with a crew of four. At 11.30 A.M. the life-boat coxswain, who had gone to the coastguard lookout, saw the boat drifting...
LIGHTVESSEL MASTER ILL At 12.45 p.m. on 6th February, 1965, the Superintendent of Trinity House informed the honorary secretary that the Master of Scarweather lightvessel was sick and asked for the life-boat to take a doctor out to him. At 1...
The Silvia Onorato on the Goodwin Sands at Low Tide. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
A FAMILY BARGE IN PERIL Fishguard, Pembrokeshire.—At 8.7 in the morning of the 2nd of August, 1947, the coastguard reported that a sailing barge was in difficulties and had asked for help three to four miles east-north- east of Strumblc...
Constantly reading the conditions in sea and sky, lifeguards can prevent many incidents before they even begin. But when a rip current pulled a bodyboarder out to sea, one Devon team proved they were ready to give their...
Category: Articles
THE portrait on the cover is of Second Coxswain Cuthbert Cornall, of Black- pool, who was appointed at the begin- ning of 1917..
Category: Articles
Cromer lifeboat got a helping hand frpm the skies on 7 September as one of the final pieces of the new station was airlifted in by RAF Chinook helicopter.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
FISHING VESSEL TOWED TO BEACH Aith, Shetlands. At 6.10 on the morning of the 1st April, 1962, the honorary secretary was informed by a man living in Sandness that a motor fishing vessel was in difficulties at the north end of Papa Stour as...
Lifeboatmen prepare to transfer one of the four survivors from the capsized speedboat from Plymouth's Arun class lifeboat to hospital. - View image in PDF
Photo Nic Randall, Plymouth News Pictures. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs