NOVEMBER 21ST. - COURTMACSHERRY, CO. CORK. At 11.20 in the morning a message was received that two sand barges, of Courtmacsherry, were drifting across the harbour bar and out to sea. A moderate westerly breeze was blowing, and the sea was...
ELSEWHERE in this issue will be found full accounts of services performed by the Life-boats at Lowestoft, Gorles- ton, Spurn and Stromness, for each of which the Committee have made special awards of the Institution's medals for...
Category: Articles
Our lifesavers usually rescue one or a few people at a time – but in May they were called to over 80 swimmers struggling against a powerful tide …
It was a deceptively calm and sunny day on 26...
Category: Articles
THE Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION have now for many years had the problem before their mind of the suc- cessful employment of a motor in a Life-boat, so as to assist by mechanical means, and thus relieve...
Category: Articles
'RNLI day' reader offer National Boat Shows Ltd (NBS) has supported the RNLI for more than 25 years, donating free stand space and berths at both the London and Southampton International Boat Shows. This has enabled the RNLI to build...
Category: Articles
Annual Meetings.
BOURNEMOUTH.—On 2nd February, 1923, the Mayor (Alderman. C. H. Cartwright) in the chair. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the total receipts amounted to £590, as...
Category: Branches
How each £100 of the Institution's Expenditure was laid out in 1938.
£ s. d.
69 18 0 «.H_ _i. H_HMM. _H__MM__M_ ruction, Repairs, Upkeep and Inspection of Life- boats...
Category: Accounts
EXCLUSIVE OFFER TO Lifeboat READERS Order any FIVE different models at £5.95 each and receive the STORM FORCE model absolutely FREE MODELS AVAILABLE ORDER CODE 3098K Sam and Joan Woods 47-002 3390 James Burrough 47-003 3800 Ruby and...
Category: Advertisement
(Supported solely by Voluntary Contributions.) ITS OBJECT AND WORK.
The work of the Institution mainly consists of— 1. Building, equipping and maintaining Life-boats, transporting carriages, boathouses and slipways,...
Category: Advertisement
On the 16th April, while a moderate gale was blowing from S. by W. with a rough sea, the trawler Ethel, of Great Yarmouth, anchored about 1J miles N.
of the harbour awaiting the tide. When the flood tide had made she got...