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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Date: July 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 440

The Bridlington coxswain, crew and shore helpers have each been presented with engraved pewter tankards from the underwriters of the motor fishing vessel My Susanne in recognition of the service carried out by the life-boat on 24th January,...

Category: Articles

Gallantry at Newhaven.

Date: March 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 15

The Institution has awarded its silver medal to Coxswain Leonard Peddlesden, of Newhaven, Sussex, and its bronze medal to each of the seven members of his crew, for standing by one of H.M trawlers in a rough sea, and seeing her to a safe...

Category: Articles

Annual Report. 1895

Date: May 1895

Volume: 16

Issue: 176

At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, held at St. Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross Road, on Saturday, the 23rd day of March, 1895, THE EIGHT EON.

LORD TWEEDMOUTH, Lord Privy Seal...

Category: Annual Reports

The Life-Boats of the United Kingdom

Date: November 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 134

LV. GREAT YARMOUTH.—The Abra- ham Thomas, 28 feet by 9 feet, 10 oars.

LVI. CAISTER. The Covent Garden, 42 feet by 11J feet, 14 oars.

LVII. Ditto. The Godsend, 33JL feet by 10 feet, 12 oars.


Category: Articles

Life-Boat Service In the East End of London

Date: March 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 329

THE secretary of the Institution would like to repeat the appeal made in the last issue of The Life-boat for volunteers from Greater London to help to develop the Institution's work in the East End by forming an East End branch, in-...

Category: Advertisement


Date: June 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 318

On the llth January it was reported to the honorary secretary that the local motor fishing boat Cheerful had not returned from the fishing grounds when expected. A fresh S. to S.S.E. gale was blowing at the time, with a very heavy sea, and...

The Spanish Life-Boat Society

Date: August 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 165

MADRID, Jane 5.—At its annual general meeting the Spanish Life-boat Society was able this year to say that since its founda- tion in 1880 it had established 67 local branches, many of them self-supporting, 30 stations provided with...

Category: Articles

Bathing Accidents and Safety Bathing Dresses

Date: November 1879

Volume: 10

Issue: 114

WE have frequently called attention to the melancholy and often preventible loss of life which summer after summer takes place from accidents to bathers on the shores and inland waters of the United Kingdom.

It might...

Category: Articles


Date: November 1894

Volume: 15

Issue: 174

NEW BRIGHTON.—On the arrival of the steam ferry boat Thistle from Liverpool on the morning of the 27th January, the master reported that a vessel was ashore on Taylor's Bank. The coxswain of the steam Life-boat Duke of Northumberland was...


Date: June 1960

Volume: 35

Issue: 392

IN the March 1960 number of the Life-boat it was stated on page 381 that the bronze medal for gallantry had been awarded to Mr. Hugh Owen, of the Moelfre, Anglesey, crew. In fact, Mr.

Owen was awarded a second-service clasp...

Category: Awards