Iltestratton of the Fisheriaaa's Aneroid Barometer as issued bj the National Life-boat Institution.
Its Dial or Face, which is enamelled, is five inches in diameter, being half an inch larger tifta the ordinary Mi-sized...
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Mr. J. P. Morris, of Coventry, who is a member of the Life-boat Enthusiasts' Society, was quick to spot an inaccuracy in the caption to the photograph of the Workington life-boat which appeared on page 493 of the December, 1968, issue Of...
Category: Articles
THE SOUTH EAST coast of England, as was the case during the war, still hears (and sometimes sees) military aircraft belonging to the R.A.F. and the U.S.A.F.
During this summer alone life-boats of the Institution have...
Category: Articles
HUSBAND SURVIVED At 8.45 a.m. on 19th May, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a cabin cruiser anchored half a mile offshore, two miles north of Ardrossan, had run out of fuel and appeared to have lost a rudder. No other...
As we go to press we are enabled to state that Life-boat Flag Day held throughout London on the 19th May was a great success, in spite of the fact that, unfortunately, the Y.M.C.A. had held their Hut Day on the 16th.
It is...
Category: Articles
« Oh! wad some Power the glftle gie us To see oursels as others see us, It wad frae mony a blunder free us." Burns.
THERE is no community, and perhaps no single individual, who may not derive advantage from the...
Category: Articles
INTIMATELY connected with the work of Preservation of Life from Shipwreck is all that concerns the welfare, and tends to improve the character of the men who constitute our Mercantile Marine,...
Category: Articles
Income General purpose legacies Subscriptions and donations Miscellaneous Restricted funds Expenditure Operational Technical Fund raising Administration Capital £000's 1,721 2,176 266 782 4,945 £000's 1,212 953 773 571...
Category: Accounts
HAMPSHIRE ROSE APPEAL PHILATELIC ENVELOPE A SPECIAL APPEAL is to be made from May, 1973, to September, 1974, for £50,000 towards the cost of a Rother class life-boat (above). It will be called the Hampshire Rose Appeal and the Chairman...
Category: Advertisement
CREWMAN SUPPORTS MAN IN SEA WHEN on 17th January, 1971, news was received that a man had fallen over the cliff about half a mile west of Anvil Point lighthouse, the Swanage, Dorset, life-boat R.L.P.
launched and made...