ON the 21st June last the Corporation of the Trinity House had arranged that the Foundation Stone of the new Eddystone Lighthouse should be laid—H.E.H. the PRINCE OF WALES having promised to perform the ceremony. Admiral H.R.H. the DUKE OF...
Category: Articles
The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...
Category: Articles
The Walmer life-boat and her crew The 'last photograph is by Mr. Bert. Hardy, of Picture Post, and is reproduced by kind permission of that paper. The other photographs are by Mr. George Goldsmith Carter, author of Looming Lights, A True... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Three days afterwards the same Life- >oat was called out to the aid of the icrring boat British Sovereign, which had Iriven on the Annat Bank. When the jife-hoat reached her she was taking the «a heavily on the starboard quarter and...
Every overseas mail since the war began has brought gifts to the Institution from somewhere in the Empire, unsolicited gifts from people on whom the war must be making the same heavy demands as it is making upon us all. Those gifts have come...
Category: Articles
(see page 454). - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
DECEMBER 15TH. - CLACTON - ON - SEA, ESSEX. At 4.50 in the afternoon the coastguard reported that a motor fishing vessel near the Wallet Spit Buoy was flashing signals and might be in need of help, and the motor life-boat Edward Z. Dresden...
Wicklow.—At 1.15 on the afternoon of the 1st of February, 1957, a message was received from the Irish Lights stating that a member of the crew of the Codling lightvessel was suffering from a poisoned hand and asking if the life-boat would...
On the morning of the 15th Nov. the lugger, Queen of the hies, anchored in Castletown Bay, the wind blowing a heavy gale from the eastward at the time. Her foresail and mizen having been blown away, and it being known at Castletown that her...