It is with deep regret that we record the following deaths: August, 1985 Mr Frederick Brooks MBE, chairman of Hayling Island branch from 1970, later becoming president. In 1977 Mr Brooks became chairman of the station branch committee. He...
Category: Obituaries
Bradford isn’t necessarily the first place that springs to mind when you think about RNLI fundraising volunteers but this land-locked community has been helping to save lives at sea for over 150 years.
RNLI Bradford and...
Category: Articles
THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, which has already numerous Lifeboat Stations on the English and Irish Coasts, is desirous to extend its work of usefulness to the Coasts of Scotland, that every part of the United Kingdom may be...
Category: Articles
'HE Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION have recently extensively circulated the following Queries on lie subject of the Treatment of Apparently Drowned Persons.
As it is thought the cause of science...
Category: Articles
IN the last number of this Journal we described an ingenious American invention for night-signalling, which we conceive would be especially valuable in cases of stranding, or other disaster to trading vessels. "We have now to notice...
Category: Articles
IP one can judge by the energy and " push " which have during the last few months been exercised by our Life-boat Saturday Fund friends up and down the country, excellent financial results should be achieved. The summer is...
Category: Articles
THE RNLI INQUIRY into the capsizes of Barra Island and Islay lifeboats off the west coast of Scotland last November, reported on page 6, has concluded that both lifeboats were overwhelmed by heavy breaking seas in violent storm conditions...
Category: Articles
Thursday, 9th October, 1913.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Read the minutes of the Building,...
Category: Committee
Newhaven, May 27, 1986 When Mrs Esme Anderson presented the 52ft Arun class lifeboat Keith Anderson to Newhaven on the afternoon of Tuesday May 27, she wanted everyone at the ceremony to know a little about her late husband, whose name she...
Category: Inaugurations
FROM the 22nd to the 29th of June, 1960, the B.B.C. broadcast each evening a half-hour programme in the Welsh Home Service. The composite title of the series was Over the Waves, the narrator being Mr. Wynford Vaughan- Thomas. The six items...
Category: Articles