Tke Institution has decided to lay down two new motor life-boats, of the 46-feet Watson cabin type, costing £10,000 each, to replace two life-boats of this type which have been destroyed by enemy action.
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Category: Articles
BY the death of Miss Letitia French, of Palling, Suffolk, on 6th April, the Institution has lost a most valued helper and one who had the distinction of having been, for a number of years, the only woman Honorary Secretary of a Station. Miss...
Category: Obituaries
JAVELIN AIRCRAFT CRASHES INTO SEA Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 11.23 on the morning of the 18th May, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a Javelin aircraft with a crew of two had crashed into the sea seven to twelve...
Barrow, Lancashre. Shipping agents at Heysham telephoned the life-boat motor mechanic at 9 a.m. on i5th June, 1965, to say that the wife of a member of the crew of the Liberian tanker Em Livanos was an expectant mother and needed medical...
Mumbles, Glamorganshire. At 7.15 on the morning of the 12th of June, 1960, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a small boat was ashore one mile north of Sker Point. At 7.55 the life-boat The William Gammon— Manchester and...
The launching of an appeal for funds for a prototype 47ft fast slipway lifeboat to be named City of London was held at Fishmongers' Hall by the River Thames on the evening of November 25, 1980. Welcoming the guests, Lord Inchcape,...
Category: Donations
WE have frequently had occasion to allude to the feet—to the astounding fact—that an annual average of more than 700 human beings suffer death by drowning, from shipwreck or collision, on the shores and in the waters of the United Kingdom...
Category: Articles
For their services to the Norwegian vessel Kings Star, which went aground on the North Shoal - a dangerous rock eight miles off the Orkneys - on 28th May, 1966 (THE LIFE-BOAT, September, 1966), Coxswain A. K. Sinclair, of the Stromness...
Category: Awards
Every Christmas and Easter for ten years Southport Mummers Group (with St George, the King of Egypt, Beelzebub and all the others) has toured the hostelries of South Lancashire with its ancient traditional plays to collect money for the... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Edward Wilson, better known as Dr Billy Seaton in BBC TV's "When the Boat Comes In', opened last year's harbour fete at Seahouses on August Bank Holiday Monday. The money raised at this annual event increases each year and... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs