On the morning of the 28th September the Ballantrae coastguard reported that a small fish- ing boat off Lendalfoot wanted help.
A moderate W.N.W. breeze was blow- ing, with a moderate sea. The weather was thick, with rain...
The reserve motor life-boat City of Bradford was being taken by a Ballycotton crew from Ballycotton to Baltimore, when about 2.30 in the afternoon she saw a fishing boat two miles...
The boats of the ROTAL NATIONAL LIFB-BOAT IHSTITUTIOH and all belonging to them are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains and under the general superintendence of local honorary committees...
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Ten-year-old Peter Jensen of Highgate sent £9.07, collected with his splendid guy, to Hornsey branch. The RNLI, he said in his letter, is his favourite charity. - View image in PDF
photograph by courtesy of Andrew Franks.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE fishwives of Cullercoats this year collected £148 9s. 8d. on their life-boat day in July, although, with the life-boat station temporarily closed since the wreck of the Cullercoats life-boat last April, it could not be held as usual...
Category: Articles
ALTHOUGH the French were the first to experiment, as early as 1775, with an 'unsinkable and uncapsizable skiff' (canot insubmersible et inchavirable), they did not develop an organized life-boat service until much later.
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By DON PEDRO DE NOVO Y COLSON, General Secretary of the Sociedad Espanola de Salvamento de Naufragos.
THE Society was founded in December, 1880 (under the patronage of H.M. Queen Dona Maria Cristina, its first protecting...
Category: Articles
Kilmore, Co. Wexford. At 8.30 on the evening of the 3rd of January, 1960, the honorary secretary was asked by theCommissioners of Irish Lights if the life-boat could land a sick man from the Coningbeg lightvessel. At 9.5 the life- boat Ann...
WE feel sure that the accompanying illustration will prove of interest to our readers. It is a photograph taken on the occasion of the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York to the Lizard Life-boat, which was...
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