The Whaley Bridge branch committee members and their spouses await the arrival of 500 local people who, over the last 12 years, have supported their annual ploughman's lunch held in the barn and grounds of Mrs A Leonard, the branch... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
A salvage officer had wished to board the American tanker Tillamook, which had gone ashore. but the invasion defences prevented the life-boat from getting alongside. - No expense...
TWO former operational staff were instrumental in convincing the RNLI of the need to introduce inflatables into the fleet. Lt David Stogdon, an inspector of lifeboats and later Superintendent of Cowes Base, where he led the design and...
Category: Articles
The RNLI's responsibilities demand medical expertise not only in emergency care – lifeboat crew and lifeguards are often first on scene – but also for the health of our staff and volunteers...
Category: Articles
These two pictures are from sketches made by the Bowman of the St. Mary's Motor Life-boat, Mr. Harry Barrett..
Category: Drawings
The view from the upper terrace of the sea city walls will, as this artist's impression shows, be a dramatic one.
In this vista from the north west side of the city, the various levels of terraces, with their landscaped... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE storm rages fierce, the billows roll high, Now lashing the shore and then kissing the sky, 'Mid wild supplication of agonized prayer, Whilst cries ring the air, now from lips in despair - Hark I the life-saving crew, The life-saving...
Category: Poetry
Linda Grainger operating one of the two visual display units linking Shoreline office directly to the CMC computer at Croydon in which membership details are recorded. The link represents a considerable saving for the RNLI in labour, postage... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
" MAN the life-boat!" Thus the voices hoarsely sounding through the night Rouse to action those who, fearless, brave the elements to fight.
Fight for what? For home? For beauty? Riches ? Rank ? The warrior's...
Category: Poetry
In May, 1972, Princess Anne visited the St. Ives, Cornwall, life-boat station where she met Coxswain Thomas Cocking who two months later dived for the boy described in the report on this page.
by courtesy of Studio St. Ives... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs